Carroll’s Yesteryears
16 May 1993
Students express concerns about Carroll’s future
By Joe Getty
One reason that we study history is to learn from the past so that we can improve our plans for the future. This concept is the central theme in the Historical Society’s Miss Lillian Shipley Heritage Education program.
Awards for the fifth annual program for seventh-graders were presented May 6. Students complete research and study materials about local history and prepare an essay on the “Past, Present and Future of Carroll County.” The awards winners were: Mike Phipps, first place; Caron Culver, second place; Caroline Rodgers, third place; Bryan Bollinger, honorable mention; Kristen Engel; honorable mention and Mike Harrison, honorable mention.
This year’s essays express a wide range of concerns about growth and development while presenting student recommendations about improving our quality of life:
“The Future (?) of Carroll County.
In my opinion the Carroll County Master Plan goals, if reached, will make Carroll County an even better place in which to live. The expansions of the use of public places, the agricultural land preservation, the purchase of easements, and all the other goals are very good ideas for the future of our county, but there is more that could be done.
“For example one of the goals is to achieve an orderly development and while doing this I think that the county should keep in mind that they should not develop too much in new communities because it could strain our resources and keep us from developing in the future. It could also cause other unforeseen problems.
“Since Carroll County depends so much on the agribusiness industry I think you should focus first on the goal concerning agriculture. This industry provides thousands of jobs and millions of dollars, so if it is shut down, Carroll County will go down with it. This is why you should focus hard to preserve more farm land, at least 50,095 acres to keep the industry running.
“This is my advice for the best future possible for Carroll County.”
Mike Phipps
Mt. Airy Middle School
Grade 7
“The Future (?) of Carroll County.
The future of Carroll County is important to me because I enjoy the rural atmosphere and I don’t want to see a major change. Most importantly the Commissioners should strive to preserve the rural character of the county, by saving farm land and restricting new housing developments. By controlling development and preserving existing farms we will save water, soil and limit pollution. Limiting population will save on emergency services as well as community services.
“Next, increasing small industries in areas where they already exist will increase revenue and more people will buy their goods locally. In order to improve this we will have to improve existing roads. By widening some roads such as 27, 97 and 32 and straightening 31, 75, and 84 traffic will flow more easily.
“Finally, by increasing community recreation areas such as more basketball and tennis courts, soccer, softball, and football fields and building community pools will make fitness a higher priority for children and adults, encourage family fun, and keep Carroll County citizens in the county. The future of Carroll County can be enhanced by careful planning and concentrating on rural preservation.”
Caron Culver
Mt. Airy Middle School
Grade 7
“The Future (?) of Carroll County.
I have been a resident of Carroll County for six years. Our beautiful county has rolling hills, farms, animals and even various industries throughout. I am astounded at the new knowledge I have gained. The historic landmarks are so intriguing. I often find myself pointing out the historic buildings as we pass through the towns of New Windsor, Westminster and Taneytown. After studying the maps enclosed, I realize that our county is growing rapidly and will continue to expand. I think that although the county is expanding, I would hope that the beautiful, natural look of this county will not be over industrialized.
“For the future generations of Carroll County, I think that balancing the amount of industrial land and agricultural land will keep this county’s natural beauty. But the housing and urban development are also beginning to take over our beautiful county.
“Two of my favorite spots to visit and enjoy the scenery, are Camp Hashawa and Piney Run Park. I feel thankful that the county has provided such enjoyable, natural recreation areas for our community. I hope that everyone will work together to conserve the many beautiful things in our county.”
Caroline A. Rodgers
Mt. Airy Middle School
Grade 7
“The Future (?) of Carroll County
County Commissioners, I am writing this to advise you about the future growth of our county. I’d like to say that in order to accomplish some of my suggestions, you need to set money aside. There are many old, run-down buildings I would like to see repaired. Buildings beyond repair should be torn down. The extra space from the torn down buildings could be used to make parks, plant trees or build new museums. By doing this, it would make the county prettier, help the environment, and preserve history.
“I have a concern of what Carroll County is going to be like for my kids. I don’t want my kids growing up in a county that doesn’t have a place where you can go out on a country road and see open land, or see farms and nature’s animals. I think before you bring in the bulldozers you should think about what you’re going to destroy in order to make your new buildings and allow new roads to be built.
“Since farming is such an important part of our history and our present, I would like money to help the farmers.
“Thank you.”
Bryan Bollinger
East Middle School
Grade 7
“The Future (?) of Carroll County
While researching the packets of information on Carroll County, I have come to some conclusions about the future of this county. In order for Carroll County to be spectacular in the future we must preserve our past. We must protect our environment. Finally we must continue to make our county a good place for people to live.
“This county needs to preserve its history. Historical sites such as the Farm Museum and Union Mills Homestead show us how much we have progressed. By seeing how far we have come we can see how far we still can go.
“Carroll County needs to take good care of its land and rivers. Agribusiness is a $180 million industry in this county. We are also experiencing rapid development. Both are good as long as we do not ruin our environment and carefully plan for the future.
“I think Carroll Count is a good place for children to grow up. We have nice communities, good schools and parks, and many friends. More clubs like 4H are needed in the future if kids are to continue to stay out of trouble.
“My research shows that Carroll County will be great for future generations.”
Kristen Engel
Northwest Middle School
Grade 7
“The Future (?) of Carroll County
As a citizen and farmer of Carroll County I feel that the commissioners have some good ideas but I don’t think they are putting enough effort into it.
“As a future farmer of America I feel that the commissioners should put some more effort into preserving farmland. I don’t think that we are saving enough. Construction has already hit my area and my Dad is losing a lot of valuable farmland. He is finding it hard to make a living farming here. There is still plenty of farmland up north and I would like to see that saved. I live in Woodbine where the new reservoir is being put in and I don’t think that’s a bad idea for conserving water. That reservoir has also taken up part of my father’s land.
“For the school facilities I think they should add on to them to make them better for when my kids go to school. All this building of houses is bringing more kids to schools and crowding them.
“I hope you take some of my suggestions and put them to use because they are no good on my paper.”
Mike Harrison
Mt. Airy Middle School
Grade 7
Photo caption: Award winners in the Miss Lillian Shipley Heritage Education Awards program at the Historical Society of Carroll County were: back row, left to right – Bryan Bollinger, honorable mention; Mike Harrison, honorable mention; Caron Culver, second place; front row – Caroline Rodgers, third place; Mike Phipps, first place; and Kristen Engel, honorable mention.