February 15, 1998
25 Years Ago
The Bowling Brook Story: Benefactor Relied On Trustees’ Discretion—In the legal confrontation last week, Judge Weant denied the petition of James J. Wolfe, a heir of Raymond
Richardson, for the removal of the Trustees. Sweeping aside the legal mask covering the actions of Mr. Wolfe, Judge Weant said, “It seems rather ironic that petitioner Wolfe is complaining that the trustees are attacking the Raymond I. Richardson Foundation while at the same time the petitioner appears to be pursuing a course which, if successful, would in all probability cause the termination of the Raymond I. Richardson Foundation. In any event, it is the opinion of this court that the matters and facts before us to this date do not establish sufficient grounds, either mandatory or discretionary, to sustain the removal of the trustees and the petition will be denied.” The court, after vindicating Miller Richardson and the other trustees, asked for further evidence showing that the license would be revoked and that Bowling Brook would be closed by the State of Maryland if the admissions policy is not changed. The
Carroll Record, February 15, 1973.
50 Years Ago
Television Set To Be Purchased By American Legion—Twenty-six new members were obligated during the regular meeting of Carroll Post No. 31 of the American Legion. They were
welcomed into the organization by Commander Quintin C. Quintal. Several committee chairmen gave reports on various activities the Legion support. The basketball team is giving a good account of itself, but more members at the games are desired. A dance in the Armory is being arranged to take place on March 23. It was voted to send a letter to Congressman Hugh Meade saying Carroll Post urged the passing of the Universal Military Training Bill. Accompanying the letter is the signature of each of the one hundred and twenty-seven members present at the meeting. Edward Chrest, who is president of the Legion’s building corporation announced plans to purchase a two thousand dollar television set. A television set is needed to make the home more complete. Democratic Advocate, February 20, 1948.
75 Years Ago
Lincoln Day Dinner—The Lincoln dinner held here Monday night under the auspices of the Republican County Central Committee, Theodore F. Brown, Chairman, was attended by 150
representative Republicans, among whom were many ladies, from all sections of the county. William L. Seabrook was the toastmaster who announced that, although only Republicans were present, the gathering was intended to have no partisan significance, and that those present had assembled for only two purposes—to honor the memory of the greatest American and promote harmony in the party. The speakers of the evening were Deputy Attorney General Wendell D. Allen and Hon. J. Craig McLanahan. Miss Dorothy Elderdice of Western Maryland College read, “When Lincoln Walks at Midnight,” and “Lincoln and Lee;” E. O. Stander of Mansfield, Ohio, sang several solos, and the quartet – J. Smith Billingslea, Edwin M. Gehr, Harry M. Kimmey and Clause T. Kimmey – rendered several selections. The Westminster orchestra furnished music during the dinner. John H. Cunningham closed the exercises of the evening, near midnight, with words of thanks do the speakers and to the young ladies of the domestic science department of the Westminster High School who, under the direction of their instructress, Miss Crapster, served the dinner. Democratic Advocate, February 16, 1923.
100 Years Ago
Baseball—A hundred or more people assembled in Mr. Stem’s field, near Sams Creek, on last Saturday, to witness a game of ball between the Marston and Oak Orchard nines. The game, though not brilliant, was well played, and resulted in a tie. The Oak Orchard forfeited the game to Marston by refusing to play off the tie. The features of the game were the fine work of the pitchers, Byers and Nicodemus, a three base hit by Dixon, and the good stick work of Franklin and Snader. The opposing batteries were Marston—Byers and Fowler; Oak Orchard—Nicodemus and Lindsay. Umpires—Albert and Franklin. Score by innings. Marston 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 0 —7 Oak Orchard 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 —7 American Sentinel, February 19, 1898