Historical Society of Carroll County
Baltimore Sun article for May 6, 2001
25 Years Ago
Planners to Review Seven Subdivisions – A final list of subdivisions has been compiled by the Planning Commission for the Cycle VII subdivision review set for May 18, and only eight plans will be considered. This is the second lowest number since the review process began in April 1973. The lowest was in April 1975, when only seven subdivisions qualified for review. “It’s no big deal this time,” said Assistant Planning Director Ronald E. Baily, “but next time should be quite different.” Mr. Baily said the commission is expecting upwards to 50 plans to be submitted for Cycle VIII. Should all qualify, this would be the highest number ever reviewed. The record so far is 44 and that was sent in October of 1973. The eight subdivisions for which developers are seeking conditional approval comprise 224 dwelling units and will roughly increase the population by 896 persons. Sykesville Herald, May 5, 1976.
50 Years Ago
Inflation Still Holds No. 1 Spot in the News — Today’s Dollar has Lost Two-thirds of it’s Value Since 1900, and is Still Going Down — The nation has been given a series of top-flight stories lately – including the Fulbright Investigation of shenanigans in the RFC, the Kefauver investigation of big-time gambling with its resulting municipal corruption, the sentencing to death of two Americans who acted as A-bomb informants for the Russians, and the dismissal of General MacArthur and his dramatic return home to defend his position and policies. Such events as these naturally dominate the headlines. But, regardless of the big stories, the American people and their government must keep on dealing with the everyday problems of living in today’s complex and difficult world. Among these problems, inflation still holds a top place. Some people think the present controls are doing as well as can be expected, some think them almost a complete flop. But just about everyone must now realize that prices are not going to return to long-ago levels, that the probabilities are that they will continue to rise, and that the great American dollar isn’t what she used to be. Democratic Advocate, May 4, 1951
75 Years Ago
Eisteddfod Great Success – the fourth annual high school Eisteddfod or inter-scholastic music contest for Carroll county, which was held in alumni Hall Friday evening, April 30, was pronounced the best and most enthusiastic held so far, with competition strong and the talent displayed of a high order. It is estimated fully 1,500 persons jammed the hall. The contestants presented a pleasing appearance, all the girls taking part being dressed in white. Prof. Maurice S. H. Unger announced the winners who stood up as they were called. American Sentinel, May 7, 1926
100 Years Ago
Winfield Items – Last Saturday morning the rumor flew about the village that Rev. Mr. Murry, of the Church of God, was going to conduct a baptism in Buckman’s dam. About one o’clock quite a number of people could be seen apparently out for their health but converging towards the dam. It finally became apparent that it was a wild goose chase and all retired as gracefully as they could. The boys produced hooks and lines and began to fish diligently, some turned their attention to hunting arbutus, &c. Those who stayed at home and sent their children to bring news if there was any baptism probably felt they had the best of it. American Sentinel, May 4, 1901