September 24, 1995
25 Years Ago
Various Matters Get Attention Of School Board “No-Smoking” Policy For Pupils Is Continued — Football Insurance Made Available – At the September meeting of the Board of Education
of Carroll County, the resignation of Terry K. Lawhead, of Mt. Airy Middle School, was accepted. Smoking areas for pupils in school buildings was discussed by the Board. At the preset time, the Board approved staying with its present policy that smoking areas for pupils not be provided and that smoking by pupils on school premises be prohibited. It was noted that for the 1970-71 school year, schools opened on September 1 very smoothly and effectively. Kindergarten was fully implemented and even though eight facilities other than public school buildings had to be procured, this part of the school population began very efficiently. Community Reporter, September 25, 1970.
50 Years Ago
Black Marketeers Sob, Dump Ill-Gotten Goods – SCRAMBLING DESPERATELY TO GET RID OF NYLONS, SHOES, PIECE GOODS AND SILKS – After four flourishing years, the bottom finally has dropped out of the black markets with a refreshing thud. And war-fattened marketeers are scrambling desperately to get rid of their once precious stockpiles of nylons, shoes, piece goods and silks at deflated prices. They took an enormous loss when gas rationing was called off. Nylon hose, prime specialty of the wartime black market, has slumped almost overnight from $15 to $5 a pair along Broadway and Park Ave., where the traffic has been particularly heavy. The spectacular decline extends to such other black market staples as meat, used cars and rubber goods. You can even get a little Scotch whisky if you know the dealer. War-short canned goods, such as imported sardines and selected salmon and tuna fish are finding their way back to retailers’ shelves—and meat is once more hanging publicly from butchers’ hooks. End of gas rationing caused a panic in the black market. It was the same in other black market fields, supply overtaking demand for the first time since Pearl Harbor. Consumers sat back to wait for promised postwar commodity—of better grade, price and styleDemocratic Advocate, September 24, 1945.
75 Years Ago
Detour Bridge is Opened – The new bridge over Double Pipe Creek, near Detour, has been opened to traffic. The approach on either side, however, must be graded before the work is completed.
The new bridge is a three-span iron and concrete structure costing approximately $16,000. It was built on the site of an iron and wooden bridge swept away by high water. It crosses the stream on the dividing line of Frederick and Carroll counties and the building expense was shared by the County Commissioners of both counties. Union Bridge Pilot, September 24, 1920.
100 Years Ago The Westminster Trotting, Driving and Pleasure Association is making extensive arrangements for the race meeting at Pleasure Park, near this city, next Friday and Saturday. On the first of the days mentioned Hon. Lloyd Lowndes, Robert P. Graham, Esq., and Harry M. Clabaugh, Esq., the Republican State candidates, will be present and will, it is expected, be greeted by a large assemblage of their political and personal friends, as well as members of the opposite party, and will receive a most hearty welcome and cordial reception. As the guests of the association they will be entertained on the grounds, where a large tent will be erected and lunch served during the day. The candidates on the Democratic State ticket will be similarly received and entertained on Saturday. The racing and other events will be of an interesting character and a very large attendance may be expected. The tournament on Friday will be an unusually interesting affair of it kind and the most skillful knights in the State will be among the contestants. Entries for the bicycle races on Saturday are full and some exciting events may be looked for. The regular races will be of standard excellence. Three bands of music will be on the grounds. American Sentinel, September 28, 1895.