Historical Society of Carroll County

Baltimore Sun article for January 28, 2001

25 Years Ago

Prospect Road Development Gets First Approval  — Preliminary Plans Call for Nearly 200 Housing Units — Tract Being Developed by Skidmore and Young – Preliminary plans for a development of almost 200 housing units were approved Monday by the Planning and Zoning Commission subject to extensive revisions called for in a Frederick County planning staff report.  The tract on Prospect Road on both sides of the American Legion Post 191 is being developed by Skidmore and Young Contractors with current plans calling for houses on lots from 5,600 to 17,000 feet.  The most significant change called for by the board is the location of a collector road shown in the town’s Master Plan.  The road is planned to extend from Buffalo Road to Md. 144 to alleviate heavy traffic anticipated for Main Street.   Community Reporter, January 2, 1976.

50 Years Ago

Victory Clothing Collection – A meeting was held on Monday, January 21, at the Charles Carroll Hotel of the presidents of the Westminster service clubs, Lions, Rotary and Kiwanis attended by Lloyd Elderdice, President of the Lions Club; Dr. Hitchock, President of the Rotary Club and John R. Brown, President of the Kiwanis Club.  It was decided to launch the official Victory Clothing Drive this week and to sponsor a city-wide collection of clothing on two succeeding Saturdays, January 26 and February 2.  Trucks will go over the main streets of the town on these dates.  All citizens are asked to place clothing on the curbs or porches before 10:00 a.m.  All types of clothing are acceptable including women’s girls, boys and men’s, shoes, overshoes, galoshes and bed clothing.  Any serviceable article or wearing apparel is acceptable.  The clothing will be taken to the Westminster Armory and there assembled and shipped for overseas relief.  The project is a national goal of 100,000,000 garments has been suggested by Henry J. Kaiser, National Chairman.  Democratic Advocate, January 25, 1946.

75 Years Ago

Westminster W. C. T. U, Celebrates the Sixth anniversary of National Prohibition – Saturday, January 16th, was the sixth birthday of National Constitutional Prohibition, and the members and a few friends of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union with the Loyal Legion celebrated the occasion.  The meeting was opened with the song, “America The Beautiful.”  Mrs. C. E. Forelines conducting the devotional.  After a very short business session members of the Loyal Legion gave a very enjoyable program of recitations and song which closed with a salute to the flag and their pledge of Allegiance of their Country.  Mrs. William Johnson, Superintendent of the Legion, was presented a book entitled “Women Torch Bearers.” A history of the W. C. T. U., from the Crusade to present day, written by Miss Elizabeth Gordon.  The book was awarded by the National W. C. T. U. as a prize for securing ten new members the past year for the Westminster Union.   Democratic Advocate, January 22, 1926.

100 Years Ago

Westlake’s Carnival of Novelties, which is to be at Odd Fellows’ Hall, this city on Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week, is said to give an exceedingly interesting entertainment.  Features especially commended are exhibitions of scenes of a trip around the world by Prof. Baer, with what he calls his “wonderful cosmoramascope,” and Edison’s moving picture machine, which will reproduce a battle scene at Manila, show a railroad train moving at the rate of fifty miles an hour, and other scenes.  The “carnival” has a number of other features which are said to be highly entertaining.   American Sentinel, January 26, 1901.