Become a Member
There’s no better time than now to join the many county residents who value local history as a window on the past and as sign posts to the future. Whether you have deep local roots or have recently chosen to make Carroll County your home, our cities, towns, and changing landscape are the sum total of the contributions of those who’ve gone before us. Learn, enjoy, explore, and preserve our county’s rich heritage by becoming a member of the Historical Society of Carroll County.
Individual & Family Membership
Individual and family memberships include these benefits:
- Subscription to The Courier newsletter to keep current with Society news & upcoming event information
- Subscription to the Carroll History Journal, featuring original and scholarly articles about unique aspects of county history
- Free use of the research library’s genealogical sources, archival news articles, books, and historical manuscripts
- Free admission to Shellman House Museum and exhibits in Cockey’s Tavern
- Invitations to Annual Meeting, special members only events, education programs, exhibit openings, lectures, workshops and much more
- Discounted admission to Box Lunch Talks
- Discount on purchases at the Museum Shop & Bookstore
Individual $50
Family $75 (all dependents living under the same roof)
Senior $40 (60 yrs. or older)
Senior Household $55 (all dependents living under the same roof)
Business Membership
Businesses are an important part of Carroll County’s history and they’ve been proudly supporting the Historical Society for many years.
A Business Membership helps the Society maintain and protect our priceless collection and ensures that it’s accessible to the public to enjoy. Your support also underwrites our educational programs and provides them with the resources required to serve students throughout the school year.
Why not become a Business Member today and share in the rich story we have to tell? It’s through our partnership with community leaders like you that we’re able to continue “Making History Matter.”
- Invitations to special members-only events, Annual Meeting and Exhibit Previews
- Subscription to The Courier newsletter to keep current with Society news & upcoming event information. Your company highlighted in the Society’s newsletter
- Subscription to the Carroll History Journal, featuring original and scholarly articles about unique aspects of county history
- Free use of the research library’s genealogical sources, archival news articles, books, and historical manuscripts
- Free admission to Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House Museum and the Gallery at Cockey’s
- Discounted admission to our monthly Box Lunch Talks and recognition of your business at the event
- Company name and logo featured on HSCC’s website at (please do contact Laura Bankard, Outreach & Event Director at should this listing need an update)
- 10% discount on retail purchases from the Society’s Museum Shop
- 50% discount on rentals of Wi-Fi equipped meeting/event space on second floor of Cockey’s
Annual dues for Businesses are $295.
Business Memberships may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Consult with your tax advisor.
Click on the links below to view our 2018 through 2021 Couriers.