Historical Student Activity Kits/Trunks
Teachers may borrow our educational kits. Topics include Native Americans, Early Settlement, The Civil War, Industrialism, and World War II. For more information, email Laura Bankard, Outreach & Events Director, at lbankard@hsccmd.org.
School Tours
Area school representatives are encouraged to reach out to HSCC by phone or email Laura Bankard, Outreach & Events Director, at lbankard@hsccmd.org to arrange school field trips to the Society. Tours include a staff introduction to the Society and County history, time in the Society’s exhibit galleries, and a docent led tour of the Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House. Lesson plans for the Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House tour are available for teachers ahead of time. Please allow at least three weeks of lead time in scheduling your school tour. School tours are offered at a discounted rate of $5.00 per student. Chaperons and teachers are free. HSCC will work closely with teachers and school administrators to accommodate any time-frame requirements or constraints for field trips.