Historical Society of Carroll County

Baltimore Sun Article for March 11, 2001

25 Years Ago

County Budget Request Increases 30 per cent – April, figuratively called the “cruelest month”, might literally fit that description in Carroll.  The county commissioners began budget hearings this week to determine which departments and agencies get how much of their requests for the 1976-1977 fiscal year.  And according to Lloyd W. Jones, director of Administration and Finance, a lot of “hard decisions” will have to be made in that month.  “The commissioners have a lot of cutting ahead if they proceed with their intentions of a no-tax-increase, Jones said.  “The budget I’ve presented exceeds last year’s by 30 percent.  In terms of dollars, the retrenchment could amount anywhere from $4.7 million to $1 million.”   Sykesville Herald, March 10, 1976.

50 Years Ago

Part of Cannery Building Burns — Manager Ernest Crowl Says “Loss Partly Covered by Insurance”; Fire Originated in Office – The warehouse adjoining the canning factory of the Westminster Fertilizer Company, East Green street, near the Western Maryland Railway was partly destroyed by fire from some undetermined origin Sunday morning about 4:15 o’clock.  The reflection from the blaze attracted a number of citizens to the scene.  When the firemen arrived the entire back end of the two-story building was on fire.  The building is a frame structure 35 feet wide and 96 feet long.  It was built some years ago by the late George N. Hunter, who operated the packing of peas and tomatoes.  The Westminster Fertilizer Company bought the site in 1938 and has operated the factory for the canning of tomato juice and tomatoes.   Democratic Advocate, March 9, 1951.

75 Years Ago

W. M. Student is Suspended in Pistol Case – Charles Foutz, freshman at Western Maryland College, has been suspended pending an investigation by college authorities of his alleged use of two pistols Tuesday night at a hazing of freshman by sophomores.  The suspension will continue until the return to the institution of Dr. A. Norman Ward, president of the college.  Dr. Charles R. Foutz, father of the student, said last night, that his son had taken two pistols to the hazing ceremonies.  Young Foutz, his father explained, did not approve of the hazing methods used by the sophomores and wished to frighten the upper classmen out of their practices.  “It was merely a joke,” Dr. Foutz said.  “Charles does not approve of the hazing methods employed at the school.  He did object to being struck by boards.  He took to the school a pistol which lacked its magazine and another containing several blank cartridges.   American Sentinel, March 12, 1926.

100 Years Ago          

Manchester Items – The water question is the chief topic among our people, and it is not an uncommon thing to see pumps locked as we pass along the street.  Almost every day there comes a report that one of the hitherto faithful wells has partially failed.  The work of digging wells deeper has begun.  Mr. Wm. N. Gettier, whose well, when dug three years ago, had ten feet of water, was entirely dry at a depth of 61 feet, and has been deepened to 66 1/2 feet.  It now has 5 feet of water in it, and is the deepest well in town.  Wells south of York street are only from 28 to 42 feet, while those north of that street are from 50 to 66 feet.  No doubt the standard well of the town is at the north end.  It now has about 10 feet of water and at the bottom is 22 feet wide.  A stratum of quicksand was struck when near the water when the well was dug and a cave-in necessitated all the extra hoisting of this large body of sand and afterwards filling it with stone.  This large space is now filled with water to a height of 10 feet at last measurement.       American Sentinel, March 9, 1901.