April 13, 1997
25 Years Ago
Boys Need Men With Baseball Know-How—Kids all over town are getting baseball fever. Temperatures are running high. The kids need help – Coaches, Managers, trainers, assistants. Taneytown has a long history of baseball players, teams, fans. There are “old timers” and avid baseball fans of all ages around town, many with the playing skills and game knowledge that needs to be shared with the youngsters. Think back to the time when you had the help of the “older fellas” to guide you in learning the ins and outs of the game. The Carroll Record, April 13, 1972.
50 Years Ago
Daylight Savings Time For Westminster—Mayor Joseph L. Mathias has announced that The Mayor and Council of Westminster, at a special meeting held on Thursday morning, unanimously directed that the hours for the City Offices and the Council meetings will be advanced one hour, and the Town Clock will be set one hour earlier beginning April 28 and continuing during the summer months. Mayor Mathias has announced also that the City does not have the legal authority from the Legislature to place the question on the ballot at the May election, but because of the sentiment of the majority of the Citizens of Westminster, The Mayor and Council has decided to advance the hours for the transaction of City business. Democratic Advocate, April 11, 1947.
75 Years Ago
Blue Ridge Slaughters Manhattan College—Blue Ridge College baseball team swamped Manhattan College of New York, New Windsor, Monday, 18 to 10. Had Metzger been allowed to pitch
the entire contest, the Metropolitan tossers likely would have been limited to four runs. However, after the locals had safely sewed up the laurels, Coach Bonsack gave his second stringers a chance and in the last frame a series of free tickets mixed with solid wallops gave the visitors six runs. The feature of the battle was the work of Metzger on the mound for Blue Ridge. In the six innings that he worked the local ace struck out 14 of the 24 men that faced him. Democratic Advocate, April 14, 1922.
100 Years Ago
On Tuesday Mr. Marshall G. Shaw gave a most hospitable house warming. Being the occasion of his moving from his old home to the farm formerly owned by Mr. James Devilbiss. Quite a
large number of his neighbors assisted in the moving. The men with their teams doing the hauling of furniture, &c., while the good wives and daughters assembled in the kitchen, and by noonday had prepared a most inviting dinner. A goodly number of their friends from Uniontown and vicinity were also present. Everybody seemed happy and had an enjoyable day. Over fifty persons assembled at the table and congratulated the cooks for the toothsome repast. Democratic Advocate, April 10, 1897.