Historical Society of Carroll County
Baltimore Sun Article for August 26, 2001
25 Years Ago
Community Use of School Protested by Community – Having adopted a policy of encouraging community use of school facilities, the Board of Education heard complaints last week of the ‘over use of grounds.’ And the complaints came strangely enough, from the community. Residents of Carroll Square development presented a petition at the August board meeting, expressing ‘concern regarding the heavy residential use’ of playing fields at Eldersburg Elementary School. According to Mrs. Sandra Cooper, spokesman for the 26 families who signed the petition, the residents objected to the traffic problems and hazards created by some of the players and spectators at softball games, litter, and the commercialization of the area (notably a scoreboard with Coco Cola advertising). The Herald, August 25, 1976.
50 Years Ago
England Teachers to be in County — Two County Teachers Exchanged for England — 101 British and 6 French Teachers Arrive in U. S. – Miss Gwyneth M. Davies and Miss Mary K. Jenckins, teachers from England, are en route to Hampstead to begin a one-year assignment at the Hampstead High School under the Teacher Interchange Program sponsored by the Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, in cooperation with the Department of State under the provisions of Public Law 584, passed by the 79th Congress. Miss Davies and Miss Jenckins are exchanging positions with Mr. Janna L. Randle and Mrs. Jane M. Randle who sailed for England on July 26. Announcement of the exchange program in this area was made by Michael J. Shortley, Regional Director of the Federal Security Agency for this area with headquarters in Washington. Mr. Shortley said that in addition to Miss Davies and Miss Jenckins, two other teachers are en route to Maryland for one year assignments. Democratic Advocate, August 24, 1951.
75 Years Ago
A. & P. Store Robbed Twice in Eight Days – The A. & P. store, East Main street was robbed again Sunday morning, making twice in eight days. The thieves made their entrance in the same manner as on the first robbery, by cutting out the plate glass window. Citizens passing along about 4:30 noticed the window smashed and investigated, believing that the intruders were inside, hastened to the home of Mr. Hume Crawford, the manager, on Bond street, who came to the store but the robbers had fled before. We hear that a clue has been found and detectives are working on the case, and arrests may be made at any time. Mr. Crawford in taking stock discovered that his loss amounted to one bunch of bananas and some other small articles of stock. The cash register was left open by Mr. Crawford and contained no money. Their looty was very small for their trouble. Democratic Advocate, August 27, 1926.
100 Years Ago
Miller’s Items – A heavy rain visited this section on Monday morning last, which washed the roads considerably. The rain fell in torrents and lasted for two hours without ceasing. It washed out railroad ties and platforms about the stations and nearly washed the railroad banks down at a great many places. One of Mr. S. H. Hare’s fields was 12 feet under water. The 12 o’clock train was delayed four hours until the hands carried the ties off the track and shoveled the mud and stones off the crossings. While John Frank, Jr., was returning from Alesia with a horse and buggy the water flowed so strongly that it washed the horse and buggy into a fence corner and almost drowned the boy. The buggy got a wheel torn off and some other damage was done. There has not been such a hard rain here in 15 years. American Sentinel, August 24, 1901.