26 May 1991 – There’s much more than old bricks to house restoration

2021-08-11T11:32:30-04:00May 26th, 1991|1991, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 26 May 1991 There’s much more than old bricks to house restoration by Jay Graybeal During the month of May, groups throughout Maryland are observing National Historic Preservation month. Much attention is being given to the “bricks and mortar” aspect of restorations. For many restorers, however, restoring the architectural details is a prelude to [...]

19 May 1991 – Old houses each have a story

2021-08-11T11:32:52-04:00May 19th, 1991|1991, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 19 May 1991 Old houses each have a story by Joe Getty One of the most frequent questions we are asked at the Historical Society is: “How can I research the history of my old Carroll County house?” Local homeowners call or stop by to learn about the documentary source materials available about their [...]

12 May 1991 – Historical society awarded

2021-08-11T11:33:13-04:00May 12th, 1991|1991, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 12 May 1991 Historical society awarded by Joe Getty The celebration of this year’s historic preservation week in Carroll County will feature the awards presentation of a 1991 Historic Preservation Project Award from the Maryland Historical Trust to the Historical Society of Carroll County for the restoration of the Sherman-Fisher-Shellman House. The National Trust [...]

05 May 1991 – Despite war worries, movies and sports popular in 1940s

2021-08-11T11:33:55-04:00May 5th, 1991|1991, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 05 May 1991 Despite war worries, movies and sports popular in 1940s by Jay Graybeal Although the tragedy of World War II dominated life in the 1940s, Carroll countians still found time to enjoy uniquely American pursuits. Movies, sports, radio and other forms of popular culture are documented in the local newspapers of the [...]

21 April 1991 – Memories of another war’s end

2021-08-11T11:34:37-04:00April 21st, 1991|1991, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 21 April 1991 Memories of another war’s end by Jay Graybeal When President and Mrs. Harry S. Truman moved into the White House with a single truck load of furnishings on May 7, 1945, it took twenty trucks to remove the late President and Mrs. Roosevelt’s possessions. On the following day Truman announced that [...]

14 April 1991 – Gill groundbreaking a blast

2021-08-11T11:34:51-04:00April 14th, 1991|1991, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 14 April 1991 Gill groundbreaking a blast by Joe Getty The Historical Society is reviewing the decade of the 1940s in preparation for our annual fundraiser on May 11. This year’s theme is “A Celebration of the Fabulous Forties,” and the gala ball will include an exhibit about Carroll County life fifty years ago. [...]

31 March 1991 – Medical profession a family tradition

2021-08-11T11:35:08-04:00March 31st, 1991|1991, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 31 March 1991 Medical profession a family tradition by Joe Getty The work of a local historian frequently involves tracing traditions. The daily lives of many Carroll countians today are deeply rooted in the customs and cultural practices of the previous generations that lived. Our themes of local history, including business, religion, politics social [...]

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