22 March 1992 – H. Peyton Gorsuch 1920 Campaign

2021-08-11T11:50:35-04:00March 22nd, 1992|1992, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 22 March 1992 H. Peyton Gorsuch 1920 Campaign By Joe Getty *NOTE – Newspaper article is missing, copied from Joe’s draft* In this presidential election year, the media will spend considerable time analyzing the campaign techniques of the candidates. A former Carroll County Times editor, H. Peyton Gorsuch, once described local campaign techniques in [...]

15 March 1992 – A Nineteenth Century Cold Remedy

2021-08-11T11:50:47-04:00March 15th, 1992|1992, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 15 March 1992 A Nineteenth Century Cold Remedy By Jay A. Graybeal *NOTE – Newspaper clipping is missing, copied from Jay’s draft* Winter is the cold season. A century and a half ago Carroll Countians sought relief from this age-old malady in a variety of ways. A bright yellow broadside provides some information about [...]

08 March 1992 – Humorous stories not uncommon in turn-of-the-century newspapers

2021-08-11T11:51:05-04:00March 8th, 1992|1992, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 08 March 1992 Humorous stories not uncommon in turn-of-the-century newspapers By Joe Getty The recent columns about Leap Year traditions in Carroll County have provided a glimpse of local humor as presented in late 19th century newspapers. Frequently, newspapers during the turn-of-the-century presented a diverse range of humorous anecdotes, some of which mocked the [...]

01 March 1992 – Leap year birthdays let youth last longer

2021-08-11T11:51:18-04:00March 1st, 1992|1992, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 01 March 1992 Leap year birthdays let youth last longer By Joe Getty Today’s article is about the people who are (or were) younger than the rest of us. These are people whose birthday occurs only once every four years. Turn-of-the-century newspapers in Carroll County enjoyed commenting upon citizens whose birthdays were Feb. 29. [...]

16 February 1992 – African American Schools in Carroll County

2021-08-11T11:51:51-04:00February 16th, 1992|1992, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 16 February 1992 African American Schools in Carroll County By Joe Getty * NOTE – Article missing, copied from Joe’s draft * During the month of January, the Historical Society sponsored an internship with Western Maryland College. Intern Jeanne Zoulias completed a research project about the African-American schools that existed in Carroll County. This [...]

02 February 1992 – Black History Month forum focuses on education in the county

2021-08-11T11:52:24-04:00February 2nd, 1992|1992, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 02 February 1992 Black History Month forum focuses on education in the county By Joe Getty The Historical Society of Carroll County will sponsor its annual African-American History Forum as part of Carroll County’s celebration of Black History Month. The theme of this year’s forum is education and schools. A panel of speakers will [...]

26 January 1992 – Local Musical Composers, 1976-date

2021-08-11T11:52:37-04:00January 26th, 1992|1992, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 26 January 1992 Local Musical Composers, 1976-date By Jay A. Graybeal * NOTE – Article missing, copied from Jay’s draft * Local musical compositions form an important element of the musical heritage of Carroll County. Local history sources and surviving sheet music in the Historical Society’s collection document more than thirty works written by [...]

12 January 1992 – Music was part of community life

2021-08-11T11:52:50-04:00January 12th, 1992|1992, Yesteryears|

Carroll’s Yesteryears 12 January 1992 Music was part of community life by Jay Graybeal Prior to the advent of radio, motion pictures and television, music was an integral part of family and community life. Music was played by family members at home, by community bands and in churches as part of religious services. The collection of [...]


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