28 March 1999 – Historical Society Founded in 1939

2021-10-29T16:40:59-04:00March 28th, 1999|1999, Yesteryears|

"Historical Society Founded in 1939" Carroll County Times Article for 28 March 1999 By Jay A. Graybeal Sixty years ago a small but dedicated group of local citizens met to organize a historical society. At that time the only organization with more than a passing interest in the county's history was the Carroll County Society of [...]

14 March 1999 – The Blizzard of 1924

2021-10-29T16:39:01-04:00March 14th, 1999|1999, Yesteryears|

"The Blizzard of 1924" Carroll County Times Article for 14 March 1999 By Jay A. Graybeal Although the last two Carroll winters have produced only a modest amount of snow, the historical record reveals that blizzards frequently visited the region, occasionally at this time of year. The March 14, 1924 issue of the Westminster Democratic Advocate [...]

7 March 1999 – In Memory of Nicholas Paroway

2021-10-29T16:37:59-04:00March 7th, 1999|1999, Yesteryears|

"In Memory of Nicholas Paroway" Carroll County Times Article for 7 March 1999 By Jay A. Graybeal Last week's column dealt with the death of Nicholas Paroway (Paraway) of Westminster who died on December 8, 1876 at the remarkable age of 110. The former slave was remembered with a lengthy obituary in the American Sentinel and [...]

28 February 1999 – The Death of Nicholas Paroway

2021-10-29T16:36:58-04:00February 28th, 1999|1999, Yesteryears|

"The Death of Nicholas Paroway" Carroll County Times Article for 28 February 1999 By Jay A. Graybeal When Nicholas Paroway (Paraway) of Westminster died on December 8, 1876 he had reached the remarkable age of 110 years! His obituary in the December 16th issue of the Westminster American Sentinel newspaper reflected his unique place in the [...]

21 February 1999 – Lincoln Day Speech 1970

2021-10-29T16:35:51-04:00February 21st, 1999|1999, Yesteryears|

"Lincoln Day Speech 1970" Carroll County Times Article for 21 February 1999 By Jay A. Graybeal Each year the Maryland House of Delegates honors President Abraham Lincoln's memory with a speech presented by a delegate. After listening to last year's speech delivered by Del. Joe Getty, I learned that Del. Jacob M. Yingling made the speech [...]

14 February 1999 – Valentine Photo Essay

2021-10-29T16:34:49-04:00February 14th, 1999|1999, Yesteryears|

"Valentine Photo Essay" Carroll County Times Article for 14 Frebruary 1999 By Jay A. Graybeal This Historical Society's collection contains numerous examples of St. Valentine's Day cards dating received by local residents from the 1850s to the 1920s. The earliest cards were stock cards which were individually embellished with separately purchased motifs chosen by the sender. [...]

7 February 1999 – The Energy Crisis

2021-10-29T16:33:39-04:00February 7th, 1999|1999, Yesteryears|

"The Energy Crisis" Carroll County Times Article for 7 February 1999 By Jay A. Graybeal I recently filled up my minivan with gasoline, a unremarkable event to say the least. Twenty-five years ago, however, I could not have have done so because the nation was in the painful throes of the "Energy Crisis". Nearly every week, [...]

24 January 1999 – Carroll County Society Dinner, 1923

2021-10-29T16:31:40-04:00January 24th, 1999|1999, Yesteryears|

"Carroll County Society Dinner, 1923" Carroll County Times Article for 24 January 1999 By Jay A. Graybeal Prior to the founding of the Historical Society of Carroll County in 1939, the only organization with an interest in county history was the Carroll County Society of Baltimore. Most of the members had been born in Carroll County [...]


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