Historical Student Activity Kits/Trunks

The following historical activity kits contain artifacts and activities that correspond to a historical theme and match current Maryland State Standards for Social Studies.  A kit is typically reserved for 1 week at a cost of $30.00.  Users are responsible for replacement costs for any items lost or damaged.  Kits are picked up and returned to HSCC at 210 East Main St. Westminster.  If delivery of a kit is necessary, the current federal mileage fee will be added to the cost for borrowing.  Pick up and drop off times will be scheduled when making a reservation.  Call 410-848-6494 or email education@hsccmd.org.

The Civil War Trunk
Students experience the Civil War through the lives of two Carroll County men: a Union infantry Sergeant and a Confederate cavalry Private. The kit includes reproduction clothing and equipment; photographs and biographies of Carroll County men who served on both sides of the conflict; examples of Civil War currency; vocabulary list; bibliography; writings from Carroll County residents who experienced the war.

Offered for the Civil War trunk is the option of a 1-day docent led presentation for elementary students of the artifacts.  The presentation illustrates how Carroll County was a divided county much like the state of Maryland and the country were divided.  A discussion of the soldier’s artifacts as well as the military activity experienced by the citizens is also included. The docent will present multiple sessions during the school day to a maximum of 25-30 students per session.  Cost is $30.00 per session.

The Native American Trunk

The focus of this trunk is on the Susquehannock tribe of the Woodland Indian region.  Through a variety of sources, students will become familiar with the culture of these natives.  Students will enjoy a hands-on experience of the stone tools used by these natives as they attempt to identify their uses. 

Offered for the Native American trunk is the option of a 1-day docent led presentation for elementary students on the Susquehannock tribe which occupied Carroll County in large numbers during the 1600’s.  During the presentation students will have the opportunity to examine and manipulate artifacts of these people.  The docent will present multiple sessions during the school day to a maximum of 25-30 students per session.  Cost is $30.00 per session.

The Industrialism Trunk

In this experiential activity kit, students will use primary and secondary sources of information to explore artifacts, diagrams, photographs and advertisements to describe 19th century industry in the county and discover that the growth of industry in Carroll represents the growth of industry in the country at that time. Contents of this trunk are geared more towards the secondary level student. 

The Early Settlements of Carroll County 

Why did settlers come to Carroll County?  How were Carroll County’s towns established?  Who were the settlers?  Theses questions are answered when students explore the contents of this trunk.  The use of maps, interactive stations, time lines, readers’ theater stories, and artifacts will encourage students to explore the rich heritage of Carroll County.  

Offered for the Early Settlements of Carroll County trunk is the option of a 1-day docent led presentation for elementary students of how and why settlers established towns in Carroll County. During the presentation students will have the opportunity to examine photographs and artifacts of the time period.  The docent will present multiple sessions during the school day to a maximum of 25-30 students per session.  Cost is $30.00 per session.

World War II 

The contents of this activity kit allow the secondary level student to examine the gear of the American Army soldier and learn from the included documents, articles and photographs how Carroll Countians were affected by the war and how they participated in the war effort. Students will have the opportunity to examine photographs and artifacts of the time period.  Cost is $30.00 per session.

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