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The Historical Society of Carroll County invites everyone to join us on Saturday, FEBRUARY 3rd, to celebrate Carroll County’s 187th birthday! THE DATE WAS MOVED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER.

This year we will celebrate the history and achievements of Lehigh Cement, which has been in operation in Union Bridge for nearly 100 years. During that time, Lehigh has been an important community partner, supporting countless initiatives in Carroll County. We will hear about future plans, as the plant transitions to a new technology that reduces the energy required to make cement and reduces its carbon footprint. We will have the opportunity to thank Kent Martin for his 18 years of outstanding leadership of the plant and welcome the new plant manager.

The birthday party will be from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Grace Hall at Grace Lutheran Church, 21 Carroll Street, Westminster. Admission is free and you do not need to register.


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