Historical Society of Carroll County
Baltimore Sun article for November 26, 2000
25 Years Ago
Zoning change is approved by Planning Board — Some Residences to be Allowed in B-2 Commercial Zone — Change Awaits Town Council Approval – The Mt. Airy Planning and Zoning Commission voted Monday to amend the town’s zoning ordinances to allow business-associated residences in B-2 zones. The B-2 zone designated for shopping centers differs from the residential business B-1 zone in some of the businesses permitted and in its restrictions against residences. A county planning commission staff report, however, recommended that the ordinances be amended “to provide that apartments or residential units be permitted in the B-2 district only as accessory use to the commercial establishment (“caretaker, watchman, resident owner-operator etc.”) or separately when the building is being primarily used as a business. Community Reporter, November 28, 1975.
50 Years Ago
Contract Awarded for New Windsor School Addition — Board Denies Request to Use School Building for Dances by Outside Organizations – The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Carroll County was held in the offices of the Board on Monday evening, November 13th, at 7:30 p.m. with president Mr. Clyde L. Hesson presiding. The Board approved the minutes of the October meeting and gave approval to the bills as listed. Several communications from the county schools and Parent Teacher Associations were read to the Board and appropriate action was recommended. The Board approved the contracts for the New Windsor School Addition, and recommended delaying the opening of this construction until the spring months. A report was made regarding progress in the inspection of electrical installations in the various county buildings by the Fire Underwriters Inspection Service. Democratic Advocate, November 24, 1950.
75 Years Ago
Tuberculosis Claims 105 Dead in Carroll — Active Cases in County Last Year Totaled Approximately 945 – According to records given out by the State Health Department there were 105 deaths in this county last year from tuberculosis, and there were approximately 945 active cases. According to the most authoritative records available, approximately 100,000 in the United States died from this dreaded disease during 1924, and it is estimated that there are at least 900,000 active cases of the disease at the present time. Although the death rate from this disease has declined almost yearly since 1900, and has been more than cut in half, there still remains much to be done. The vigorous campaign which is now being waged all over the country under the leadership of the National and State Tuberculosis Associations under their County Branches is for the purpose of raising funds with which to continue the combat against this terrible scourge. Democratic Advocate, November 27, 1925.
100 Years Ago
In putting in type the Sentinel’s account of the parade in this city, last week, in honor of the re-election of McKinley, the name of Mr. Wm. Grove Lawyer was accidentally omitted as one of the assistant marshals. The float upon which Aguinaldo was suggested as the Democratic candidate for President in 1904, was projected and prepared by Mr. Lawyer and was the subject of more amusement and remark than any other feature of the parade. American Sentinel, November 24, 1900.