Historical Society of Carroll County
Baltimore Sun article for October 22, 2000
25 Years Ago
Ugly Contest? It’s Just Part of Halloween — Festive Party Being Sponsored Here October 25 by Lions Club and Jaycees – The Mt.Airy Lions and Jaycees are having a beauty contest — and an ugly contest, too. To be held in honor of Halloween, of course. The contest will be just part of the fun at the Halloween Party to be held October 25 by the two organizations. Youngsters up to and including 12-year-olds are invited to the party at the town parking lot. In addition to the prettiest and ugliest, prizes will be given for the funniest and most original costumes at the party. Four prizes will be given in each category and for two age groups, six and under and seven through twelve. Games and candy will fill out the party, put the fun doesn’t begin there. The party will start after the Halloween Parade reaches the lot. Community Reporter, September 24, 1975.
50 Years Ago
First Woman Candidate on County Ticket – Among the women whose names will appear on the ballot on November 7th, is Hilda C. Hoke, of Carroll county, prominent business woman and civic leader. Mrs. Hoke, the former Hilda Cronise, is a graduate of Saint Mary’s Seminary, Saint Mary’s City, Maryland, and she taught school at Union Bridge following this. Proving her devotion to her Alma Mater, Mrs. Hoke sent all three of her daughters to Saint Mary’s and takes an active part in its Alumnae Association, having served as its president. She has worked as a partner in the insurance business with her husband, W. Lee Hoke, in New Windsor, for the past twenty-five years. The Hokes lost a son and a son-in-law in World War II. They have eight grandchildren. Mrs. Hoke was appointed by Governor Herbert R. O’Conor to the Maryland Traffic Safety Commission, where she served with distinction. She conducted a state-wide poster contest in the high schools of the state, and also gave audio talks to further this cause. A past president of the Women’s Democratic club of Carroll County, Mr. Hoke is a candidate for the House of Delegates from Carroll county, on the Democratic ticket. It is the first time that a woman’s name has been on the general election ballot in this county. The Democratic Advocate, October 27, 1950.
75 Years Ago
Bowman Exposes Jail Delivery – Harvey T. Bowman, convict and a resident of Mt. Airy, credited with exposing to Warden Patrick J. Brady an alleged plot for a jail delivery, was recalled to the stand when the trial of William Gempp and Everett A. Bevans, prisoners, and John J. Ritter, former guard and cook, was resumed Tuesday before Judge Duffy and a jury in Criminal Court, Baltimore. Bowman, convicted of stealing 13 automobiles and serving a 10-year sentence, admitted that a few days after the plot was exposed last July he had applied for a parole. He denied, however, that Warden Brady has promised to aid him to get his release. On that point his testimony was corroborated by Brady, who also was recalled and asked if he had made any promises to Bowman. The application for parole is pending. Bowman testified Gempp gave him a letter, outlining a plan to escape, for delivery to Bevans, Eastern Shore gunman, who is serving a 25-year sentence for arson and attempt to murder. He read the letter, he said, and reported it to Brady. The Democratic Advocate, October 23, 1925.
100 Years Ago
Mr. J. Edwin Weaver, of this city, pasted some McKinley posters on a barn at Manchester, on Thursday, which were promptly torn and scraped off by some of Manchester’s unterrified Democracy. The posters had been placed on the barn without objection from its owner. Comment is hardly necessary, but some Manchester people are of the opinion that persons who expect Republican trade in their business should exhibit less political rancor. American Sentinel, October 27, 1900.