May 7, 1995

25 Years Ago

Public Hearing On U.S. 40 Project Attended By 200 – Meeting Is Informational In Nature – Plans Call For Upgrading 23.7 Miles Of Highway – The meeting held on Monday, May 4, at 7:30 p.m., at the Mt. Airy Middle School, by the State Roads Commission of Maryland, was well attended with approximately two hundred citizens present. This was an informal public hearing with respect to the proposed upgrading of U.S. Route 40 to Interstate Standards (I-70N), on the segment extending from one mile west of Marriottsville Road to 2.7 miles west of Maryland Route 75. Thomas G. Mohler, Engineer, explained that there were 23.7 miles of right-of-way involved in the project, in Carroll, Frederick and Howard Counties. Andrew W. Schwailer, Chief, Bureau of Federal Aid and Relocation Assistance, explained the need for new or improved highway, with emphasis on acquisition of property from owners whose land is needed for right-of-way. Community Reporter, May 8, 1970.

50 Years Ago

American Legion’s V-E Day Plans – Carroll Post No. 31, The American Legion, met Tuesday evening in the Legion Home. Commander Preston G. Coffman presided. The membership was
announced as being 376, the largest in the Post’s history. The Post voted to purchase several wheel chairs as soon as possible to give assistance to wounded veterans home on furlough or upon discharge from service. The Chairman of the V-E Day committee, Charles E. Shipley, announced the plans of the committee as follows: the Post members will assemble at the Legion Home and march to the Carroll County service sign at Main street and Pennsylvania avenue. Brief services will be conducted, and a floral spray will be placed at the service sign, in memory of the Carroll County servicemen who have made the supreme sacrifice. The Reverends John C. Roderick and Edwood S. Falkenstein will participate. The time of the services will be as follows; If the V-E announcement comes before noon of any business day, the services will be conducted at 2 p.m. on the same day; if victory is proclaimed in the afternoon of any business day or on Sunday or on a holiday, the services will be held at 2 p.m. on the following day. The public is cordially invited to attend. Democratic Advocate, May 4, 1945.

75 Years Ago

Mount Airy Loan Approved – At the annual corporation election in Mount Airy Monday, a bond issue for $22,000 for street improvement and a water system won by a vote of 115 to 47. The
following town officials were elected without opposition: Mayor, A. R. Molesworth; Councilmen, Walter R. Rudy, Arthur E. Phebus, A. Frank Miller, Ira D. Watkins and Harry R. Zepp. The only issue was the bond improvement question. Six years ago a proposed bond issue of $20,000 for improved streets and water was defeated. Two years ago, however, a bond issue of $18,000 for improved streets won. With the $22,000 which will soon be available, additional street improvements will be made and a water system will be installed. At present the town has no fire protection and twice narrowly escaped disastrous fires.Union Bridge Pilot, May 7, 1920.

100 Years Ago

Robbery in Wakefield Valley – A bold robbery was perpetuated at the residence of Mr. Edward L. Bachman, in Wakefield Valley, on Wednesday morning. Mr. Bachman had in his employ a
young man named Samuel Sauble, from West Virginia, who has been living in the neighborhood about a year. The young man has been suffering with grip, and on Wednesday morning said he was unable to perform any work. He was left in the house alone while the other members of the household were milking and performing other outdoor farm work. When they returned to the dwelling he had disappeared and it was discovered that a number of articles of value were missing. We are informed that the list of articles comprised two gold watches, a revolver, a suit of clothes, a purse containing a small sum of money belonging to a domestic, another sum of money belonging to Mrs. Bachman, and a gold ring, which belonged to the latter and was highly prized because it was her mother’s wedding ring. The purse belonging to the domestic, emptied of its contents, was subsequently found on the road between this city and Wakefield. Sauble, who is said to be about seventeen years old, is still missing. He is described as being about 5 feet, 7 inches high, with dark complexion, eyes and hair and smooth face, and had on a black coat and vest and light pantaloons. American Sentinel, May 4, 1895.