November 26, 1995

25 Years Ago

Shooting Incident Saturday Night Causes Concern-Police Investigating Frightening Experience Reported By Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lohoefer, Of Gillis Falls Road – Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Lohoefer, Gillis Falls Road, Mt. Airy, were frightened Saturday night when a shot came through the window of the living room where Mrs. Lohoefer was sitting and watching television. The shade was down and without warning a twenty minutes after nine the shot shattered the glass window and a piece of the flying glass hit the arm of Mrs. Lohoefer. Her husband was in another room at the time the shot was fired. The couple called the police who arrived quickly on the scene and who are investigating the shooting. Shots were fired at other homes in the vicinity the same evening and recently several mail boxes have been knocked down. The Lohoefers spent a sleepless night after the incident and there are others on Gillis Falls Road who are quite upset. It is sincerely hoped that the police will find out who is terrifying this neighborhood. Community Reporter, November 27, 1970.

50 Years Ago

BORDEN COMPANY HONORS EMPLOYEES-Arthur M. Zile, Manager of Westminster Plant, Receives Honor For His Services – On Thursday evening of last week Mr. Arthur M. Zile, manager of
Borden’s Ice Cream Company, of Westminster and Mr. John G. Shipley, one of the Route Salesmen, attended a dinner at the Southern Hotel in Baltimore given by the Borden Company of New York in honor of the men and women of the company who have been in the service of the company twenty-five or more years. During the week of November 11, similar meetings were held throughout the United States and Canada and in some of the foreign countries. In the United States and Canada the Borden Company employee approximately 27,000 persons and 2,667 of these have served the company twentyfive years or more. In recognition of this service The Borden Company has organized these employees into a Borden’s Quarter Century Club which will meet regularly each year and each member of the club will receive a certificate of service from the President of the Company and a gold pin set with a diamond. The pin bears a bust likeness of Gale Borden, the founder of the company and is stamped with 25 in Roman Numerals. Democratic Advocate, November 23, 1945.

75 Years Ago

Despite the bad evening last Monday, the Parents-Teachers meeting had a fair attendance. While a number of needs were discussed, the out-standing need is for a better room for several grades
which now are taught in the basement of the Reformed church. This room is dark, damp and has a concrete floor. It is said that the plaster is falling from the walls and the blackboards are warping from the dampness. A committee was appointed to confer with the State authorities as the county authorities have been appealed to so frequently without any results whatever. Counsel will be employed if necessary. After the meeting, a creditable program was rendered by the teaches and pupils. Union Bridge Pilot, November 26, 1920.

100 Years Ago

Westminster – Mr. Christopher Gunther, near this city, made a narrow escape from death by a singular accident on Sunday last. He went into the stall of a horse in his stable, for some purpose,
and became entangled in the rope of the halter by which the animal was tied and which, being very long, wrapped around his body. The horse then threw his weight backward drawing the rope so tight that severe injury was inflicted and death would have ensued if Mr. Gunther’s son had not discovered his father’s dangerous plight, and, getting a knife, cut the rope. Mr. Gunther has now well nigh recovered from the effect of the injury sustained. American Sentinel, November 21, 1895