February 4, 1996

25 Years Ago

COMMISSIONERS MEET WITH TOWN OFFICIALS – The County Commissioners of Carroll County during the week of January 18th scheduled a meeting with the Mayors and Representatives of the incorporated towns of Carroll County to discuss several matters pertaining to the two general governmental units within the county. Included in the discussions were procedures which could be implemented by town and county in establishing coordination between planning and zoning programs, the development and implementation of the county wide water and sewer plan and cooperation in further studies involving the financing of facilities of joint concern within and without the incorporated area. General agreement was expressed at the meeting that periodic meetings should be scheduled and that the programs proposed would be given further study, and discussion would be continued at such further meetings. Community Reporter, February 5, 1971.

50 Years Ago

Local Junior Town Meeting Over WBAL – The Baltimore Radio Broadcasting Station, WBAL, will bring the well known program “Junior Town Meeting of the Air” to Westminster in a broadcast at Westminster High School on Tuesday, February 5th, from 1:30 to 2 p.m. The subject to be discussed will be “Is American Family Life Deteriorating”? Local students will present their views direct from the school to your home. Mr. John Dickman, Public Service Promoting Program has this program in the interest of showing that the youths of today are more serious minded, progressive and well versed, with more understanding and foresight than they were twenty years ago. Mr. David Zimmerman of the State Department of Education is coordinating, with the assistance of Prof. Gerald Richter, principal of Westminster High School. Mr. Raymond S. Hyson, Supt. of Carroll County Schools and Prof. Richter, say that the students chosen to speak on the program have given careful thought to the subject. Democratic Advocate, February 1, 1946.

75 Years Ago

Road Building to Begin Soon – Prospects for a resumption of road building throughout the State in the near future are bright, due to another fall in the price of cement, John N. Mackall, chairman of the State Roads Commission, said Thursday. Mr. Mackall was informed Thursday of a further cut of 35 cents a barrel, effective immediately, and that the manufacturers would accept orders on this basis for future delivery. This is the first time for a considerable period that they have been willing to accept orders for future delivery at any fixed price. It is expected that roads will be built this spring around $35,000 a mile, last fall’s prices being from $40,000 to $55,000 a mile. The 40 per cent increase in freight rates will, in Mr. Mackall’s opinion, prevent construction going as low as $30,000 a mile, that increase putting a fixed charge of $5,000 a mile on roads construction that can not be overcome. Union Bridge Pilot, February 4, 1921.

100 Years Ago

Taneytown Items – On last Monday afternoon when Mr. John Shriner, who carries the mail from this place to Harney, was leaving for home his horse became frightened and in some way fell to the ground, breaking one shaft off his cart. When the animal regained his feet the broken shaft struck him on the heels causing him to run away. After he had run some distance the cart was upset and threw Mr. Shriner to the ground with great force. He was dragged some distance and finally delivered from his dangerous position by the horse getting loose from the cart, which was badly wrecked. Mr. Shriner was badly bruised and scarred and has not been able to attend to his duties since the accident, but is now slowly improving and will soon be carrying the mail again. American Sentinel, February 1, 1896.