June 23, 1996

25 Years Ago

Library Board To Investigate Church Land — The county commissioners have authorized the Carroll county Library Board to begin “non-obligatory” negotiations with St. John’s Catholic Church for part of the old church property on Main street. The library board would like to acquire the land for a new Westminster library site. The commissioners told the board to begin negotiating a price for the land, but not to make any final agreements. In a meeting with the County Commissioners Tuesday, the director of the county library, Martha Makosky, said she thought the 3/4 acre could be purchased for about $50,000. Commissioners J. Norman Graham and John D. Meyer estimated it would cost another $15,000 to remove the old church building from the site. Meyer said that although he was not opposed to the idea of having a library built on the site he felt the price was too high. He suggested the library commission consider other alternative sites in and around Westminster. The library board presented the views of Carroll Dell, Westminster director of planning and development, and Dr. James P.  Harp, chairman of the downtown Westminster Revitalization Committee, to support their proposal to use the old church site. Both men felt the library would serve as a “generator” to stimulate people to come into the downtown area. Earp said he though the library could “pep up the center of town.” Democratic Advocate June 24, 1972.

50 Years Ago

Restaurant Prices To Be Increased — A change in OPA relations announced this week will permit Maryland restaurants to increase certain prices, including meals where the major ingredient is one of Maryland’s favorite foods, crabs. The change permits a restaurant to increase the price of any meal, food item or beverage, the major ingredient of which is exempt from price control at all other levels of sale. The new price will be computed so that the restaurateur will realize the same profit on these uncontrolled items that his establishment is currently enjoying on its overall operation. The price will be computed by applying the establishment’s current overall percentage markup to the current raw food cost of the new food item, meal or beverage. The base period, April 4-10, 1943 does not figure in the computation under this revision. Among the items in this category are crabs, long a Maryland favorite, lobsters, and other fish. Democratic Advocate, June 21, 1946.

75 Years Ago

The Gypsy Tour to Harrisburg last Sunday proved a very interesting one. Some detours caused a little inconvenience especially through creeks when two of the tourists stopped in the middle of the stream, probably to get their pictures taken as the camera man was on the job and hopes it will be a good one. Getting wet did not dampen the enthusiasm of the tourists for they wended their way over some bad roads and arrived at Harrisburg in time to do justice to a good chicken dinner. Several places of interest were visited and the return trip was made over better roads, although it took longer. More sections of the country were passed through and the golden grain ready to be harvested presented a beautiful sight to the eye. Gettysburg was the last place of interest to be inspected. All arrived home safely, enjoyed the trip and will always have pleasant memories of the 1921 Gypsy tour to Harrisburg. Union Bridge Pilot, June 24, 1921.

100 Years Ago

Union Mills Items — Last Saturday morning, Harry Sullivan, an employee on the farm of Mr. Wm. Brown, was shot in the leg with a revolver. Edward Brown, a son of Wm. Brown, and Sullivanwere looking over some articles in the trunk of the latter, when young Brown caught sight of a selfcocking revolver which he hurriedly picked up, and before Sullivan could warn him to handle it carefully the weapon was discharged, the ball taking effect in Sullivan’s leg, as above noted. It entered the leg near the knee and passed downwards six or eight inches along the bone where it lodged. Dr. J. J. Stewart was sent for, and cut out the bullet and dressed the wound. American Sentinel, June 20, 1896.