July 7, 1996

25 Years Ago

Sunshine Pills May Be Here – Area youths may be in for a “bad, bad trip” if they take certain drugs that may be circulating in the county disguised as LSD, a spokesman for the State Drug
Abuse Administration said late Friday afternoon. Similar to the “sunshine pills” that put 10 Ocean City vacationers into an Eastern Shore hospital last weekend with “severe psychotic reactions,” the pills are described as either a white capsule or an orange barrel-shaped tablet, the spokesman said. ” We haven’t got any confirmed knowledge at this time that any of these pills are actually in the county,” said Henry G. Nathan, public information officer for the State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. “What we’re passing on is some underground information from the young people.” He said that this information indicated that the “bad drugs” might be moving into Carroll, Frederick and Washington counties “over the weekend.” Democratic Advocate July 5, 1971.

50 Years Ago

Japanese Beetle Traps Available – This year, as in the past, the rural people of the county can expect quite an infestation of Japanese Beetle. Experimental evidence now indicates that a very
outstanding job has been done in Carroll county during the past five years. The methods of control have included the numerous traps that have been placed each year throughout the entire county. This year, however, only a very few experimental traps have been placed by the county, and are now all in place. However, there will be several hundred traps available for leasing to anyone in the county who may experience trouble and would desire to have traps on their property. They may be secured by applying to the County Agent’s Office, second floor of the City Hall any day expect Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from 9 to 12 on Saturday. A two year lease is given at the rate of 20¢ per trap for that period. Democratic Advocate, July 5, 1946.

75 Years Ago

Why the Editor Left Town – In a recent letter to The Breeder’s Gazette, Mr. F. M. Woods, of Lancaster county, Nebraska, told how a Nebraska printer got an auction sale and an account of a
wedding mixed together. The resulting article, wrote Mr. Woods, read like this: “Married at the home of the bride’s township one mile north and two miles east of Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, highly respected residents, of Thursday, January 27, Miss Ethel Drinkwater by the Rev. 18 head of Shorthorns consisting of four bridesmaids dressed in pale blue and carrying calves by their sides. They had tulle veils . . sired by the noted Kentucky jack Bombina 3d. Also forty-six head of hogs, including the groom’s father from North Dakota where he is engaged in missionary work, and is immuned by the double process. These shoats are thrifty and all relatives of the bride and groom. They all gathered in the spacious dining room after the ceremony and partook of 300 bushels of seed oats, 1,000 bushels of corn, 10 large stacks of millet and alfalfa. The bride is the youngest daughter of one trusty incubator, capacity 600 eggs, one
Jno. Deere five-room cottage and a trip to Omaha, after which they draw 10 per cent, interest from date. Free lunch at noon. “Union Bridge Pilot, July 1, 1921.

100 Years Ago

The barn on the farm belonging to the heirs of the late Robert D. Gorsuch, about two miles southwest of Warfieldsburg, was destroyed by fire, caused by lightning, about ten o’clock
Wednesday night. The barn was filled with wheat, hay and a small quantity of rye, all of which were totally consumed, and also a wagon, carriage, binder, rake, harness &c. The wheat was the property of the Gorsuch heirs and Mr. Oliver Hull, who was their tenant last year. The last load was hauled in, it issaid, on Wednesday. It was insured in the Norwich Union, Messrs. Wilson & Goodwin, agents, for $775. The hay, rye, farming implements and harness belonged to Mr. John B. Baker, the present tenant, and were not insured. The horses were saved. Mr. Baker had no insurance. Much sympathy is felt for him in the neighborhood and is being manifested in a movement to assist him in replacing some of the property destroyed. The binder burned was almost new. The barn which was one of the largest in that section of the county, was insured in the Continental Company of New York, Messrs. Wilson & Goodwin, agents, for $1,100. American Sentinel, July 18, 1896.