September 8, 1996

25 Years Ago

School Teachers Here Denied Salary Raises – County Classroom Teachers will not get their negotiated pay raises afterall because of a new interpretation of the President’s wage freeze, the
county’s top school official announces last week. Approximately 700 ten-month teachers are expected to be affected by the ruling from the Federal Office of Emergency Preparedness. George E. Thomas, the county superintendent of schools, said he was advised by the School Board’s attorney, Jacob Blum, that the latest interpretation by the council-received in a telegram from the Federal agency-means there will be no increases on longevity and merit. Blum said an exception would be increases for certification, a higher degree or a promotion, with those raised based on last year’s schedule. The reversal of opinion came after the Federal agency’s statement last week contradicted an earlier statement it had made, that about 80 per cent of the nation’s teachers would get their expected raises. Glenn W. Patterson, president of the Carroll County Education Association, said he thought the latest council statement was “still subject to interpretation.” He said it “might need clarification before this is definite.” The National Education Association, of which the local education association is an associate, is expected to meet with the council soon over the no-raise statement. Democratic Advocate , September 13, 1971.

50 Years Ago

5775 Enroll in County Schools – 2171 In High Schools And 3600 In Elementary Schools; 298 In Colored Schools – Carroll County Schools opened on Wednesday, September 4. Prior to the opening of schools the teachers and principals spent Monday, September 2 in the schools preparing for the opening on Wednesday, and Tuesday, September 3, the regular annual opening conference for teachers was held in the Westminster High School. At the same time a conference for colored teachers was held in the Robert Moton High School in Westminster. The Carroll County Commissioners conference for white teachers was opened by the invocation by the Rev. Thurlow Null and group singing which was led by Professor Philip Royer. Members of the Board of Education present were Mr. Clyde L. Hesson, President, and Mrs. Howard Necker. Mr. Hesson extended greetings to the teachers. The Carroll County Commissioners were introduced by their president, Mr. Norman Hess, who made brief remarks to the teachers. The Superintendent presided at the meeting and made appropriate remarks to the group
regarding the year’s work. The speaker of the morning was Dr. Edward Davens of the State Health Department, who spoke on “The Schools and Public Health”. Two reels of motion pictures from the Library of New York University were shown, also as a part of the morning program. Democratic Advocate, September 13, 1946.

75 Years Ago

The “Distant Husband” and the Bear – The following missive was received by the forest ranger of the Pasadena district and read recently at the annual dinner of the Sierra Club in Los Angeles: “Kind and Respected cir: “I see in the paper that a man named J____ S____ was atacted and et up by a bare whose cubs he was trying to git when the she bare came up and stop him by eating him up in the mountains near your town. What i want to know is did it kill him or was he only partly et up and he from this place and all about the bare. I don’t know but what he is a distant husband of mine. My first husband was of the name and I supposed he was killed in the war but the name of the man the bare et being the same i thought it might be him after all and i thought to know if he wasn’t killed either in the war or by the bare for I have been married twice since and their ought to be divorce papers got out by him or me if the bare did not et him all up. If it is him you will know it by him having six toes on the left foot. He also sings base and has a spread eagle tattoed on his front chest and a ankor on his right arm which you will know him if the bare did not eat up these parts of him. If alive don’t tell him I am married to J_____W____ for he never liked J____ . Mebbe you had better let on as if i am dead but find out all you can about him without him knowing anything what it is for. That is if the bare did not eat him all up. If it did i don’t see you can do anything and you needn’t take any trouble. My respeks to your family and please ancer back. “P.S. – Was the bare killed. Also was he married again and did he leave any property worth me laying claim to?” …Plywood Panels. Union Bridge Pilot, September 9, 1921.

100 Years Ago

The Interviews with the Pennsylvania and B. & O. authorities were unsatisfactory. The former road, however, promised to take such steps as would prevent discrimination against the holding of the meeting in our city. Further information has been promised by both roads before the final meeting of the location committee. At a meeting of the latter body, held upon the close of these interviews, it was finally agreed that the conference at which should be decided the place for holding the Annual Meeting for 1897 should take place at Westminster, Wednesday, Sept. 16th, at 9:15 a.m.; that the Frederick proposal should be submitted by Dr. P. D. Fahrney, with such further statements as he desired to make, and that the same on the part of Westminster should be done by Mr. Huber. All of the gentlemen composing the party returned home the same evening. Democratic Advocate, September 12, 1896.