March 30, 1997

25 Years Ago

Union Bridge Council Prays Before Tacking Town Business — Prayer became standard operating procedure, Monday, March 27 at the Union Bridge Town Council meeting, followed by
approval of a plan to convert a bar into an apartment, a decision to sell the city truck to the highest bidder and discussion of the new officer and a need for an additional doctor. Rev. Kolda — Needing better guidance than they can give themselves, the mayor and city council of Union Bridge have instituted prayer, to be led by one of the local ministers at each of their monthly council meetings. Rev. David Kolda, pastor of the Union Bridge Methodist Church, interceded at the March meeting. The Carroll Record, March 30, 1972.

50 Years Ago

Sales Tax — Who likes taxes? Nobody! Gov. Lane does not like taxes either, but as long as you have colleges to take your money and plenty of it through your money you are to have taxes. But we do need money for our public schools, for our medical centers and surely for road building. The sales tax will go into effect July 1, 1947. The opposition to the sales taxes by our merchants was 100 per cent and feel very blue over the outcome. But suppose you were to support the Republican grab bill that was framed but failed to appear on the Senate floor. It certainly was a lot more unfair. Democratic Advocate, March 28, 1947.

75 Years Ago

Elopement Ends at Hotel Hampstead — Hampstead Enterprise of March 24, says: With plans carefully laid a Baltimore county couple started a journey that would lead to the land of
matrimonial bliss on Tuesday of this week the start was made. “The plans did not call for handsome carriages, not even limousines so the couple started by the way made famous by the U. S. Army, with a stout heart and eight dollars. “For such a journey the first point of interest would be Hampstead, the town of “Brotherly Love.” “The couple arrived in Hampstead late in the afternoon and registered at the Hotel Hampstead. But hark! the first error was made. They registered as man and wife. The plans did not reckon with manager Patterson whose watchful eyes detected an error and “foresaw” trouble. The manager notified the county authorities. These officials hurried to the scene. “The cruel, cruel officers notified the parents of the young lady and her father came and took her home. “In the “Annals of Sheriffdom” another elopement was recorded as smashed.”Democratic Advocate, March 31, 1922.

100 Years Ago

In his forecast for April, Irl Hicks says very warm weather will prevail during the opening days of the month. Storms may be expected from the 1st to the 5th, with wind, rain and thunder, with dashes of snow in the north. About the 8th and 9th reactionary storms are due, followed by cool nights. Hard and dangerous storms are predicted from the 14th to 18th, and tornadoes, he says, would not be surprising. Cool, frosty nights will follow. The 20th will be warm again, with storm conditions. The last storm period is from the 24th to the 28th, with dashes of rain and hail.Democratic Advocate, March 27, 1897.