May 31, 1998

25 Years Ago

Smelser Makes Memorial Day Speech At Union Bridge—Union Bridge officially opened it’s summer season last Monday, Memorial Day, with an evening parade sponsored by VFW Post 8806, followed by Memorial Day services at the post home. The ceremony included a presentation of flowers in memory of all war dead by Kim Grinder and an award-winning speech by Eddie Crumpacker, a student at Francis Scott Key High School and holder of the “Young American For Freedom” award for District 7. Guest of honor was Sergeant Peter (Eddie) Drabic, veteran of Viet Nam and recently released POW. Sgt. Drabic spoke briefly, commending the speech of Crumpacker. The main speaker for the evening was State Senator Charles Smelser, who denounced the activities of anti-war protesters and lauded the efforts of all those who have fought in American wars. The Carroll Record, May 29, 1973.

50 Years Ago

MEMORIAL DAY PARADE SUNDAY—Final plans have been completed by the sponsoring organization, Carroll Post No. 31, The American Legion, for the memorial parade and services, to be held Sunday, May 30th. All units planning to participate are requested to assemble at Belle Grove Square promptly at 1:15 where the parade will form and leave at 1:30 prompt. Captain John N. Magin, marshal will assign the units in their proper position. The first division will be composed of military units, headed by police escort, and the second division will be comprised of fraternal and civic organizations, boy and girl scouts and the school children with flowers with which to decorate the graves of deceased veterans. The parade will proceed to the Westminster Cemetery where services will be held with J. Albert Mitten, Past Commander of Carroll Post No. 31, presiding. Following is the program: singing “America;” invocation, placing of memorial wreath’s; address by Rev. Eugene C. Woodward; benediction, National Anthem; volley and taps.Democratic Advocate, May 28, 1948.

75 Years Ago

DECORATION DAY HERE—The Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion will unite and hold services on Decoration Day and place flags and flowers on the graves of their deceased comrades. All ex-service men are requested to meet on the Park at 10 a.m. in uniform. All citizens who have flowers to decorate graves are requested to communicate with Mr. Leland Jordan, this city. The parade will start at 10:30 in the following formation: Westminster band will form on Bond street, at Main, followed by Company H., Westminster Fire Department, Western Maryland College R. O. T. C., American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars and will march over the following route Main street to Pennsylvania avenue, and countermarch to Main to Westminster cemetery. Democratic Advocate, May 25, 1923.

100 Years Ago

Burns Post of this city will have an excursion to Gettysburg on Monday, Decoration Day. President McKinley and his Cabinet have accepted an invitation to be there on that occasion. The train will start at Glyndon and go by the way of Highfield. The start will be made at 7 o’clock from Glyndon, and train will stop at all stations to Highfield. Train will leave Finksburg at 7:00, Patapsco 7:19, Carrollton 7:21, Westminster 7:41, Avondale 7:48, New Windsor 8:00, Union Bridge 8:10, Double Pipe Creek 8:25. Democratic Advocate, May 31, 1898.