April 12, 1998
25 Years Ago An
Editorial. Sixes Bridge Dam Considered. . .Again—To the concern of many and to the dismay of hundreds more, in Carroll and Frederick Counties, the Sixes Bridge Dam and Lake Project is
back on the front burner again. Where these people breathed a collective sigh of relief last October when construction of the proposed dam along the Monocacy was deleted by Congress as a Corps of Engineers project, a new report entitled, Potomac River Basin Water Supply, coupled with vocal action by citizen groups in the Washington area fearing a water shortage, has again alarmed area residents. The serious concern and alarm is justified inasmuch as over 4,000 acres, as a minimum of prime farmland together with hundreds of buildings, homes, historical sites and roads are at stake. Additionally, over $40,000 a year in tax revenues to Carroll and Frederick Counties would be lost, while at the same time over $32 million in tax dollars would be expended on development of the concrete and earth wing dam and lake. The Carroll Record, April 12, 1973.
50 Years Ago
MOONSHINERS HELD FOR HEARING – 60 Gallon Still Destroyed On Farm At Cover’s Corner; Two Men Plead Innocent—Federal Agent Charles H. Cushwa on Friday reported the discovery and destruction of a 60-gallon still near Cover’s Corner along the Frederick-Carroll county line and the arrest of two former Tennesseeans, who are being held for Federal grand jury action on charges of operating an unlicensed still. He identified the men as James Renau, 37, and Caude Renau, 44, brothers, who pleaded innocent to the charge when arraigned before U. S. Commissioner G. Welles Little at Hagerstown. Both were released in their own recognizance pending presentment of charges to the Federal grand jury. Agent Cushwa said the type of still was unique in this section and that fifty gallons of mash, which had been “setting” about two days, was also destroyed. The still had been in operation at the location in a small woods not far from State road on the property of a colored resident. Democratic Advocate, April 9, 1948.
75 Years Ago
FIRE AT SYKESVILLE-Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, With Baby Ill From Pneumonia, Flee In NightClothes—Fire believed to have been caused by a defective flue in the home of John Harris, threatened to destroy the town of Sykesville, Monday morning about 3:30 o’clock. Harris’ family, including his baby, ill with double pneumonia, were awakened from sleep and barely had time to flee to the street. At one time the Harris house, the town hall, the jail and the “old volunteer house,” occupied by the fire company, were in flames. At 3:30 a.m. the blaze at the Harris house was discovered by William Melville, postmaster of the town, who gave the alarm. Mr. and Mrs. Harris with their sick baby ran to the street in their nightclothes and other garments hastily thrown around them. Mrs. Harris and the child were cared for at the home of a neighbor. Hardly more than a bucket brigade the Sykesville Volunteer Fire Company is said to have done excellent work in fighting the flames until the arrival of the Westminster company. Democratic Advocate, April 13, 1923.
100 Years Ago
Narrow Escape from a Serious Fire—A large coal oil lamp, suspended from the ceiling of the office of Dr. John S. Mathias, this city, broke loose on Wednesday night, fell, exploded and the oil caught fire. The burning oil was scattered about, and in an instant the whole room was ablaze. A lounge, newly covered, and some chairs, medicines and surgical instruments were burned and an office desk almost ruined, while the walls were blackened with smoke. The doctor’s son and several companions were standing nearly under the lamp, and the hat and vercoat of one of them, Paul Reese, which was on the lounge, was set on fire and ruined. The lamp fell on a chair, and rolled to the floor, and Ed Mathias picked it up and threw it out the front door. An alarm of fire brought out the Fire Department, which was holding a meeting at the time, and the fire was soon extinguished. The loss on the building amounted to about $27.00 and the loss of Dr. Mathias was about $75.00. Had no one been in the office when the lamp fell there is no doubt that the whole building would have been considerably damaged
before the flames could have been extinguished. American Sentinel, April 9, 1898.