April 28, 1996
25 Years Ago
Annual May Day Being Scheduled Tuesday, May 4 – All Carroll County women are invited to the Annual May Day program sponsored by the Carroll County Extension Homemakers Council on Tuesday, May 4. This program will be held at the Agricultural Center, Westminster. Mrs. Edith Land and Mrs. Robert Marshall are two of the speakers featured for the day. Mrs. Edith Land is a noted musician, lecturer, artist, author, educator and fashion expert. As a resident of Baltimore, she has engaged in many years of various organizational work involving programming and entertainment. She has had her own television show, has given courses to both men and women at the YMCA, the employees of Stewart’s, the National Secretaries Association and the Mercantile Trust Company. Currently, Mrs. Land conducts her own Finishing School for teens and women at Stewart’s where for ten years she had been their director of the Teen Board and the Charm School—and assumed the Directorship of Stewart’s fashion Shows in 1970. She stresses the WHOLE PERSON, including all phases of self-development, such
as better speech, voice quality, technique of modeling, art and appreciation of make-up, hair styling, fashion know-how, public relations and the understanding of the individual and his relationship to the work in general. Community Reporter, April 30, 1971.
50 Years Ago
Make Production Records in Test – Frank B. Beasman, Sykesville, Has Two Cows That Made 500 Pounds Butterfat – Brattleboro, Vt., April 20—Two registered Holstein-Friesian cows in the dairy herd of Frank B. Beasman, Sykesville, have recently completed official production records in Herd Test of more than 500 pounds of butterfat. The Holstein-Friesian Association of America announces. The higher producer of the two was Riverside De Kol Houwtje 1937204 with a record of 532 pounds of butterfat and 14,863 pounds of milk. This is nearly 3 times the production of the average dairy cow in this nation. The record was made in 365 days on 2 milkings daily, at the age of 10 years 3 months. Her sire is S X King Riverside Segis 465376. The other high producer was Francilla Belle 2494640 with 522 pounds of butterfat and 15,751 pounds of milk, made in 365 days, on 2 milkings daily, at the age of 4 years 6 months. Her sire is King Ormsby Piebe Segia Vale Perfection 788380. Testing was supervised by Extension Service, University of Maryland, in cooperation with The Holstein-Friesian Association of America. Democratic Advocate, April 26, 1946.
75 Years Ago
Carroll Farmers Complete County Organization – The final meeting of organization, drawing up of a Constitution and By-Laws was held in the County Agent’s Office Saturday, April 9th. The meeting was composed of delegates from the different organizations of the county. All organizations were not represented because, they have not had a meeting to accept constitution and elect delegates. Several changes were made in the constitution and by-laws before its final adoption. The most important was the name of the organization which will be known as the Carroll County Farmers’ Council. The annual meeting shall be held on the third Tuesday of March, and the bi-monthly meetings will be held on the third Tuesday in the months of May, July, September, November, January, March. The election of officers took up very little time as most of the delegates seemed to have formed a slate before hand. Hon. Herbert R. Wooden was elected President, Mrs. Chas. Peltz, Vice President, County Agent Fuller, Secretary, and Mr. Robert Gist, Treasurer. The following committees were appointed: Appropriation
Committee, Program of Work Committee, and Publicity Committee. Dr. Bomberger, acting Director of Extension Work in Maryland, was present and took part in the discussions. He urged the affiliation of theCarroll County Farmers’ Council with the Maryland Agricultural Society which in turn is affiliated with the American Farm Bureau Federation. The Council voted to affiliate with the Maryland Agricultural Society and appointed Lester S. Patterson delegate to the Council of that body. Union Bridge Pilot, April 22, 1921.
100 Years Ago
The Prohibition party of Carroll county held a convention at Carroll Hall, this city, on Saturday afternoon. Charles R. Woods was chosen chairman, and Calvin Chew, secretary. The principal
business of the convention was the election of fourteen delegates to represent the county in the Prohibition State Convention, held in Baltimore on the 23rd last . The following were elected: Austin H. Geiselman, Jacob Lawyer, Charles R. Woods, John Burgoon, Rev. J. A. Weigand, Edward Schaeffer, Calvin Chew, Luther Welmert, Joseph Snavely, George W. Hess, Rev. S. W. Coe, Philip B. Myers, John W. Angel, Frank K Herr. Each delegate was authorized to name his own alternate. A resolution was adopted commending Mr. Levering as the choice of the convention as the candidate of the party for President of the United States. American Sentinel, April 25, 1896.