August 13, 1995
25 Years Ago
Personal – Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. Morris have returned to Harlington, Texas, after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jenkins, of Mt. Airy,
sailed on the S.S. Santa Paula recently for a 13-day Caribbean and South American cruise to Curaccao and Aruba in the Netherlands Antilles Caracas, Venezuela; Kingstown, Jamaica, and Port Everglades, Fort Lauderdale and Miami, Florida. Community Reporter,August 14, 1970.
50 Years Ago
Japs Getting Ready to Surrender – A Broadcast from Japan stated this morning that a surrender to the Allies are eminent. The catch in the ultimation was that the Nips were willing if Hirohito is allowed to rule Japan. This will not be acceptable. Leaflets were dropped on Japan yesterday asking Japanese people to demand the surrender. It will take several days to complete signing the formal document by the Allies, before any surrender will be announced. Russia At War With Japan – To possibly shorten the war for the allies, Russia declared war on Japan, and with an army of 1,000,000 are driving on Manchuria. The revelation that Japan had enough and was asking Russia to mediate peace even before the Russian war declaration and presumably before the atomic bombing, was regarded here as of tremendous significance. It was asked at once: If Japan wanted peace before, how long could she hold out now? There were detailed reports that Russia had been asked to mediate weeks ago; but the Allies were silent. JAPAN CLAIMS 200,000 KILLED OR HURT BY ATOMIC BOMB – The unexpected happened when President Truman announced that the new atomic bomb, or secret weapon, was dropped on Hiroshima, with deadly result. Japan claims the explosion killed or injured 200,000 crushed buildings like match boxes, and killed every living thing within five square miles. The second atomic bomb was dropped Wednesday on Nagasaki and from reports had the same deadly effect as on Hiroshima. Democratic Advocate, August 10, 1945.
75 Years Ago
By failing to be present at the proper time, we missed a “scoop” for our news columns on Monday evening when it is said four of our dusky daughters of Eve engaged in a loud discussion of their differences making use of much unprintable oratory, emphasizing their charges and counter charges with their fists. A sudden rainfall acted as a quietus on the combatants and the contest apparently ended in a draw. However the incident is not creditable to the participants, nor to the town authorities who permit altercations of this character to take place on the streets without an effort to punish the guilty parties. Union Bridge Pilot, August 13, 1920.
100 Years Ago
Murder in Manchester District – A brief account of a horrible murder, committed in Manchester district, came to us by telephone yesterday morning. The victim of the tragedy was a man
named Jacob Miller, a comparative stranger in Manchester. Miller had been working in that place and neighborhood for a week or more. He was a quiet, well behaved and apparently an industrious man. Towards evening of Wednesday afternoon he left Manchester in company with two tramps, going in the direction of Melrose. During the night persons in the vicinity of a grove near that place heard the noise of fighting in the woods. On Thursday morning the tramps who left Manchester in Miller’s company, went into Melrose and reported that the body of a dead man was lying in the woods. Their story was probably regarded as a fake, and no steps were taken to investigate it, but the report, in some way, reached Manchester and on Thursday night a searching party started out from that place and found Miller’s dead body in the woods. The man had been stabbed in the heart and cut about the face and head. The object of the murder was evidently robbery, as Miller had on his person, when he left Manchester, thirty dollars in money, all of which had disappeared, with other valuables, when the body was found. An inquest was held, and a verdict rendered that the man was murdered by persons unknown to the jury. The jury was summoned by Justice Strevig. American Sentinel, August 10, 1895.