December 10, 1995
25 Years Ago
South Carroll School Retains Its Accreditation – Commission Suggests, However That Plans Be Forthcoming To Enlarge Facilities To Accommodate Rapid Population Growth – The Middle States
Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools has advised Chester G. Elder, principal of South Carroll High School, that favorable action of the Commission has approved the continuance of South Carroll High School on its Accredited Membership for a period of ten years, ending December 31, 1980. This action was taken as a result of an official review of the report submitted by a visiting committee of 17 members who visited the school on February 3, 4 and 5, 1970. The Commission on Secondary Schools did note, by special Commission action, that plans should be forthcoming to enlarge the school plant to accommodate the rapid growth in pupil enrollment at South Carroll. Community Reporter, December 4, 1970.
50 Years Ago
New Radio Station WSTT To Speed Local Utility Service – A new Radio Station, WSTT, is to be located in the Westminster District by the local utility company and will begin operation about
January 1st of next year. This station, which will be a 50-watt, very high frequency, frequency modulated transmitter, will be erected by the Gas and Electric Company for emergency use and is designed to give radio coverage over the Company’s entire Western District. A number of troublemen cars and line trucks will be equipped with two-way instruments. The necessary permits have been received from the Federal Communications Commission. The equipment is on hand and operators are being trained and licensed. The installation of these facilities is in line with the Company’s policy of “Good Public Service.” With this equipment, in times of emergency the Company will be able to get in touch with their troublemen in cars and line crews in trucks, no matter where they may be located, and be able to dispatch them to the scene of any trouble in a quicker manner than at the present time. A similar Company station was erected in Baltimore a few months ago and its operation has convinced the management of the need for duplicate facilities in the various districts. Progress is being made on these installations and in a short time it is expected that all the territory served by the Gas and Electric Company will have the benefit of this modern emergency service. Democratic Advocate, December 7, 1945.
75 Years Ago
$20,000 Fire Sweeps Mill At Sykesville – The large flour mill of the Maryland Milling and Supply Company, at Sykesville, 15 miles from Mt. Airy, was totally destroyed by fire Wednesday night,
together with its contents of flour, wheat and corn, causing a loss of about $20,000. A fertilizer factory adjoining, owned by the same company, was damaged to the extent of $2,500. Firemen from
Westminster and Catonsville prevented the destruction of the factory and saved other property. The flames were discovered shortly after 6 o’clock and an alarm was immediately sounded. In a very short time the building was a fiery mass and word was sent to Catonsville, 18 miles away, and to Westminster, 16 miles, for assistance. In the meantime the fire spread to the fertilizer factory and this building was soon ablaze. The residence of Dr. C. B. Sprecher, nearby, was threatened and at one time it was feared that the flames would sweep through the town. A chemical engine, the only fire apparatus in the town, could render but little service, and the flames gained headway with alarming rapidity. A large crowd assembled, but could no nothing more than to stand and look on. The mill was doomed and the fertilizer factory was blazing fiercely when the firemen from Catonsville and Westminster arrived. Streams of water were directed on the burning building and it was partly saved. The origin of the fire is unknown. It was discovered by Jesse Price, and by the time an alarm was sounded the interior of the mill was a roaring furnace. It was a large frame building situated along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and the fertilizer factory was but a few feet away. The fire made a reflection that was seen for miles. About three-fourths of the loss, it was said, is covered by insurance. Wade H. D. Warfield is president of the milling company and Francis J. Newman, Frederick, is secretary – treasurer. James Gambrill, Jr., Frederick, is also interested in the mill. Union Bridge Pilot, December 10, 1920.
100 Years Ago
Taneytown Items – Mr. Ulysses Bowers, who has been engaged as foreman for Mr. O. T. Shoemaker, in the work of boring artesian wells, met with a serious accident which might have resulted
in death on last Saturday evening. He was boring a well for Mr. C.A. Elliott, who was having his old well dug deeper, and while he was down in the well a distance of twenty seven feet, he fastened the tools to the rope to hoist them up. He took hold of the rope also and was being hoisted to the top when the rope broke and he fell to the bottom of the well. He was rendered unconscious for a short time. He was gotten out by a number of persons and taken to Mr. O. T. Shoemaker’s, when Dr. F. H. Seiss was summoned and rendered the necessary aid. Luckily no bones were broken, but he was considerably bruised and was confined to his bed several days, but at this writing is doing very well. American Sentinel, December 7, 1895