December 3, 1995
25 Years Ago
Gloria Clower Is Named Queen – Gloria Clower was chosen queen of the 1970 Eastern National Livestock Show just completed at the Timonium Fair Grounds at Timonium. Gloria was selected
by the judges over the other contestants from Ohio and Pennsylvania. The candidates had to be exhibiting at the 1970 E. National and in addition were called upon to answer questions posed by the master of ceremonies, Jack Mathews, manager of the show. The E. National is the largest livestock show in the east and fourth largest in the country. Entries were from states along the east coast and as far west as Texas and Missouri. Gloria showed the Reserve Champion Shorthorn steer in the 4-H Show and also a first place Angus heifer. She is a sophomore at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia. Gloria is the daughter of Mr. and Mars. Harry Clower, of Mt. Airy. Community Reporter, November 27, 1970.
50 Years Ago
No Xmas Decorations Or Treat For Children Here – Announcement was made by Mayor Joseph L. Mathias that the municipal decorations for the coming Christmas season will be limited to the
decorating of the tree at “The Forks”. Due to the lack of available manpower and the scarcity of required materials, the Mayor said the extensive decorating plan, which prevailed prior to the war, would not be resumed this year. Mayor Mathias also announced that the City could not offer the Christmas treat to the children of the community this year because of the limitations to the supply of candies and fruits. Democratic Advocate, November 30, 1945.
75 Years Ago Union Bridge – A pair of trousers was stolen early in the evening from the wash line of Mrs. John Pittinger about a week ago. We were under the impression that thievery was entirely confined to booze the past year or two. New Windsor – It is rumored that robbers have entered, or attempted to enter, several houses in town in the recent past, and that they visited the home of Erscie Benedict last Saturday night during the absence of the family, getting away with a supply of their butchering stuff, consisting of sausage, pudding, &c. Should they continue on their rounds, it is hoped that may get all that is due them. Union Bridge Pilot, December 3, 1920.
100 Years Ago
The new sheriff, Mr. J. Oliver Murray, moved his family to the county jail on Thanksgiving day, but will not enter upon the discharge of his duties until Monday. The retiring sheriff, Mr. Elias B.
Arnold, has been a courteous and faithful officer and made many friends during his term as sheriff. He will shortly engage in the hardware business in this city in the old fireman’s building, which he purchased some time ago and has greatly enlarged and improved. He has secured the services of Mr. Joseph Kirtz, of Waynesboro, Pa., who has had an experience of fourteen years in the business. American Sentinel, November 30, 1895.