February 11, 1996

25 Years Ago

Humane Society Is ‘Good Neighbor’ To Dogs And Cats’ Group Took in 7,237 Stray And Unwanted Animals During 1970 — Fund Drive Is Launched – The year 1970 has been an active one for
your Humane Society. The work of taking in dogs and cats has increased from 3,146 dogs and 2,688 cats in 1969 to 3,705 dogs and 3,532 cats in 1970. As the population of the county increases, so, also, will the number of stray and unwanted pets increase. Again the Society finds its problems of space totally inadequate to meet the present or future needs. On the plus side, the society is happy to report that with the addition of several more folks this year it now has the largest Board of Directors in its history, a group of hard working, dedicated men and women eager to increase and expand the services of the Society if and when the funds are made available. Perhaps the Society’s best-known accomplishments in 1970 was the introduction of the Spraying Program which give financial assistance to pet owners in having female dogs and cats sprayed. This is of vital importance to the entire community as it helps to reduce the vast numbers of unwanted animals which are an expense to the County, a problem to the agencies concerned with them, and a nuisance to the neighborhood when they stray and become
wild. Community Reporter, February 12, 1971.

50 Years Ago

LIBRARY MAKING AN APPEAL – The Westminster Public Library is again making its annual appeal to the citizens of Westminster. February is known as Library Month and it is hoped that many generous contributions will be received. Present members of the Library are urged to renew their memberships, and now members are welcome to join, at any time. The fee is $1.00 per year and may be sent to the Librarian. Mrs. Martha Shaw, or to the treasurer, Mr. C. Ray Fogle. The Library is open on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturday evenings from 6:30 to 8, also Thursday morning from 10 to 12. Many new and interesting books have been added during the past year, especially in the juvenile section. Parents are urged to come and bring the children as there is something for all ages. Democratic Advocate, February 8, 1946.

75 Years Ago

The practice of defacing property with chalk and pencils in certain sections of town appears to be a favorite pastime with some children. Newly painted buildings and porch columns appear
to offer special inducements for the practice. The town authorities as a rule do not care to resort to legal measures with children, yet it appears a few applications of this medicine might prove effective. A local statistician is responsible for the statement that there are 103 automobiles within the town limits. This means practically that there are 103 “marooned” automobiles here, and will likely, be, until spring. Many of the owners have paid automobile taxes and fees into the State and County treasuries for years, yet the powers that be appear to see fit to postpone the building of a decent outlet. Doubtless we should have a few political cooties in our midst. Union Bridge Pilot, February 11, 1921.

100 Years Ago

A Surprise to a Minister – Rev. H. J. Macalister, pastor of Carroll charge, and his family, were most agreeably surprised on Saturday evening, January 25th, by an unexpected visit from a large number of the members and friends of the congregation of St. Matthew’s Reformed Church, Pleasant Valley. These invaded the parsonage in a body, laden down with an abundant supply of good things of every description, including meats, vegetables, fruits and groceries, while the corn crib was at the same time most liberally replenished. The ladies took possession of the dining-room, and refreshments, which they brought with them, were served. With music, and an address by the pastor, and in other ways, a very enjoyable evening was passed, and at a late hour the company returned to their homes, happy over their visit, and leaving the family to the no little task of finding places in which to bestow the generous contributions they had received. American Sentinel, February 8, 1896.