25 Years Ago
Adult Education Course Offered On Alcohol Problem—Possibly the first course like it in the State of Maryland will be offered in the Carroll County School system through the Adult Education Division. The title of this course will be “Alcohol and Adolescents.” Its subject is a comprehensive look at the drug alcohol, its effects psychologically, sociologically and physically on humans, including an understanding of the disease of alcoholism, its effects on families and communities, plus a glimpse at its treatment. This course will be aimed at helping parents feel more comfortable with communicating with their children around the inevitable contact the children will have with alcohol. Community Reporter, January 11, 1974.
50 Years Ago
No Chairman For War Committee To Date—At a special meeting of the Carroll County War Memorial Fund Committee held Monday night at the Carroll Co. Historical House, it was decided to turn back to the original committee, The Inter-City Club, the matter of securing a permanent chairman for this committee. Ralph G. Hoffman, acting chairman, since the death of Claude Kimmey, presented a short resume of the committee since August 1943 and the inability to secure a permanent chairman to carry on the work. The members of the three men’s service clubs present were asked to appoint a countywide service committee of the 3 men’s clubs and the Westminster Soroptimist and Venture Clubs and report back at the Historical Home on January 31, at 8 p.m. to elect a chairman. Democratic Advocate,January 14, 1949.
75 Years Ago
25 Divorces Granted In Carroll County In 1923—During the year 1923 the clerk of the Circuit Court for Carroll County issued 389 marriage licenses, and during the same period there were 25 divorces passed and granted; a small fraction over six per cent of the marriage licenses issued turned out in divorce; not so bad for Carroll county, comparing it with Baltimore city, where the percentage of divorces is about 25 per cent of all marriages granted are divorced. Democratic Advocate, January 11, 1924.
100 Years Ago
The rain of last Friday and Friday night froze as it fell, and trees, fences, shrubbery, telegraph, telephone and electric light wires were heavily coated with ice. The sun arose in a clear sky on Saturday, and reflecting on the icy coatings, made the most beautiful winter scene witnessed here for many years. No artist could have painted it and no pen could have accurately described it. Westminster was a crystal city, glittering and resplendent. Beyond a mile east and west of Westminster there was neither sleet nor snow to be noticeable. While the sleet and bright sun made a beautiful winter scene, the weight of the sleet played havoc with telegraph, telephone and electric light wires which were borne down and broken all over the city, and many shade and ornamental trees were split and broken. By reason of having a greater number of wires, the Western Maryland Telephone Company suffered most, and workmen were three days in repairing damages. Democratic Advocate, January 14, 1899.