January 14, 1996

25 Years Ago

Carroll County Was Pioneer In R.F.D. Service – Most residents of Carroll County have heard or read that “the first complete county Rural Free Delivery Service in the United States was inaugurated by the Post office Department on December 20, 1899, covering the whole of Carroll County and small parts of adjacent counties with Westminster as the central distributing point.” This statement may be seen on a marker in front of the Post Office in Westminster. However, the R.F.D. had been operating on a trail basis in Carroll County since October 14, 1896. On July 3, 1897, the Democratic Advocate stated that Postmaster Boyle of Westminster had been notified that the R.F.D. system, “which had been in operation for some months” would be continued. “The farmers are much pleased with the free delivery.” The carriers received $250 per annum, and the number of pieces of mail delivered in 1897 was 6,831. The “post office on wheels” did not begin for more than two years after first rural carriers were sent out. Wagon I was conceived by Edwin W. Shriver, a resident of Westminster, and was built by Herr Brothers, local wagon and carriage builders. The horses were supplied by Harry H. Harbaugh, a Westminster liveryman. On the first trip, Easter Monday, April 3, 1899, the driver was Mr. Harbaugh, his assistant Clayton Bloom. Mr. Shriver was the postal clerk; his assistant was Horace Reese. A carriage followed containing Postmaster Schaeffer, Walter R. Hough of the Baltimore American, photographer Joseph Crichton, and Constable Elias N. Davis. Community Reporter, January 8, 1971.

50 Years Ago

Manchester Memorial Fund Over $2500 – At the third financial business meeting of the War Memorial fund committee for Manchester District, on January 3, the sum of $2,542.25 was
reported received to date. The committee has set final meeting and all solicitors are requested to complete their work by that time and either bring or send in their contributions. The money will be used to purchase the lot owned by the Red Men’s Lodge on York street, opposite Trinity Reformed church and the I. O. O. F. Hall, terrace the front with flagstone, landscape the ground, lay flagstone walks and erect a memorial for veterans of both World War I and II on which all the names of those serving from this district will be inscribed; also a pole from which will fly the Stars and Stripes of the U. S. A., will be a gift of the Lineboro-Manchester Lions club, to be erected on the center of the plot. This project when completed will be turned over to the corporation of Manchester for perpetual care. Democratic Advocate, January 11, 1946.

75 Years Ago

Local Items – Since the unearthing of ten garter snakes near the surface of the ground by workmen in Frederick county a few days ago, which was taken as a “sure sign” by the weather prophets that the mild weather would continue, winter appears to have started in earnest. But this is Carroll County. — We have a complaint in pretty strong terms from a patron speaking of the depredations committed by thieves, particularly in Middleburg and Taneytown districts the past three years or more. Thievery is frequently conducted systematically by an organized gang, which usually manages to evade apprehension for a long time but eventually its members become too bold in their operations, winding up in some penal institution. Union Bridge Pilot, January 14, 1921.

100 Years Ago

Decided Against Mr. Lynch – The case of Mr. Edward Lynch against the Western Maryland Railroad Company, which has been pending in the courts of this State for several years, has been finally determined by the Court of Appeals, in favor of the company. Mr. Lynch was successful on several occasions in the lower courts, and obtained verdicts against the company. Judge Bryan delivered the judgment of the Court of Appeals, which is briefly summed up as follows: Mr. Lynch granted the Western Maryland Railroad Company the right to use the water of a spring upon his land in consideration of an agreement that he should be forever thereafter permitted to travel free of charge upon the trains of the company. Since that time the railroad company has built other lines and leased another road, and the question is whether Lynch has the right, by virtue of his contract, of free travel over these railroads. It is held that the contract was for what it could then give, and not for what it might in the future acquire the power to give. Judgement reversed. American Sentinel, January 11, 1896.