January 21, 1996
25 Years Ago
County Officials Discuss Large Bond Issue-Commissioners And Carroll Delegation Consider “Potential” Legislative Proposals Including Issuance Of $8,000,000 In Bonds – During the week of January 4th to January 8th, the County Commissioners met during the two regular sessions and also in three special sessions. During this period of time aside from routine Administrative business, the Board met with Senators Smelser and Thomas, and Delegates Yingling and Matthews for the purpose of discussing several potential Legislative proposals for Carroll County. Among the items discussed was the issuance of an eight million dollar Bond Issue including seven million for schools and one million for needed office space. Likewise, the establishment of special registration fees for mobile homes in the form of an authorization was considered in light of previous recommendations received from a special study committee in 1970. Included also was a request to consider clarification of the use of racing funds, the creation of an office of finance, as well as four amendments to the Sanitary Commission
Law. Community Reporter, January 15, 1971.
50 Years Ago
The Carroll County Red Cross Chapter reports the shipment of 211 women’s cotton dresses for war refugees, also eight pieces of new clothing donated for children. The Chapter is very grateful to all who helped with this work. A shipment will be made on Friday, Jan. 25 of sleeveless sweaters for convalescent soldiers and of women’s dresses. All dresses must be completed for this shipment. There is still yarn available for knitting sleeveless sweaters. Knitters should contact Miss Evelyn Mather, 7 Willis street, phone 13. Democratic Advocate, January 18, 1946.
75 Years Ago
Local Items – Some person who had violated the Anti-Saloon League’s ideals last Tuesday, was found on the railroad tracks near town in the evening perfectly oblivious to the workings of the outside world, and particularly to the workings of a steam locomotive, one of which was due within a short time. When found he was lying crosswise of the track and had not help reached him when it did, he would doubtless have continued to dwell in oblivion. Union Bridge Pilot, January 21, 1921.
100 Years Ago
Pleasant Valley Items – Fire broke out under a step in the storeroom occupied by Mr. John Senft, in our village, about half-past 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon. It started among some rubbish,
consisting of paint, paper boxes, &c., and quickly reached some cartridges and loaded shells which exploded and kept up a lively fusillade. By prompt action and the liberal use of water the fire was soon suppressed, but Mr. Senft’s stock of goods suffered damage by the fire, smoke, water and exploded shells to the amount of $400 or $500. His loss is covered by insurance of $1200 in the Royal of Liverpool, $800 in the Continental, companies represented by Messrs. Wilson & Goodwin, of this city, and $800 in the Carroll County company. The building is owned by Mr. Cornelius Hull, who has a policy for $1000 in the Continental. The damage to the building was very slight. Mr. A. P. Helwig occupied the residence portion of the building, and his household goods were saved. The post office was in the store and contents were damaged in the same way as was the stock. American Sentinel, January 18, 1896