The Baltimore Sun “Backtracks” Articles
25 Years Ago
WINTER WEATHER HALTS WORK ON MT. AIRY BY-PASS – Through the courtesy of Mr.William Jabine, II, Chief, Bureau of Highway Information, State Roads commission, State of Maryland,
information and a map of the Mt. Airy By-Pass (Relocated Route 27) is furnished. The “Reporter” requested this information for the benefit of local residents because of the many inquiries directed to
this office as to the exact route of the by-Pass. At the north end of the By-Pass, earth moving started just south of the entrance to the Swartz-Colburn Farm and Brengle’s residence, and continued back of
Dorseytown skirting the Robinson apartments and Road on to Twin Arch Road where the State Roads Commission will take several acres of the Mt. Airy Volunteer Fire Company’s carnival grounds. (This
much from observation.) The exact information furnished by Mr. Jabine is quoted for your information and is of course accurate: Winter Weather has shut down work on the Mt. Airy By-Pass, but earth moving will begin again in earnest this spring on the $983,000 highway improvement. State Roads Commission officials are hopeful that the project will be opened to traffic in the spring or early summer
of 1971. Community Reporter, January 9, 1970.
50 Years Ago
Friends through high school and college days, Pvts. Harriet J. Smith and Ruth W. Kittner, of Westminster, are now taking basic training together at the Third WAC Training Center here. Both Wacs attended
Westminster High School, and graduated together from Western Maryland College in Westminster. Continuing their parallel careers, the two enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps, and were assigned to the same company for basic training. Pvt. Smith is the daughter of Mrs. Helen M. Smith, of 130 Main Street. Pvt. Kittner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Whitmore of 123 W. Main Street, and the wife of Cpl. Joseph R. Kittner, overseas. Pvt. Harriet Smith has been assigned to the Kennedy General Hospital, at Memphis, Tenn. Democratic Advocate, January 12, 1945.
75 Years Ago Man Killed Near Town –
Dementio Fabizzio, an Italian Laborer employed at the Plant and
living in W. J. Haines’ tenant house near the railroad a short distance east of town, was found dead on the tracks, the body horribly mangled, this Friday morning, shortly after the Fast Mail has passed over him and dragging the body from the second iron bridge to a point opposite to where he lived, a distance of 150 yards. The first eastbound train also passed over the body after failing to understand the signals to stop from those who had found him. The body was later taken to this home nearby and an inquest will be held sometime today. The indications are strong that he was shot and the body afterwards placed on the track, robbery being the motive. He received his pay at the Plant yesterday and had the check cashed and it is reported that his money is missing. He was about 33 years of age and leaves a wife and five children. Union Bridge Pilot, January 9, 1920.
100 Years Ago The Patapsco Flint Mills –
Mr. Joseph Williams, aged fifty-four years, is said to be another
victim of the flint mills at Hood’s Mill, in this county, in which he was employed. He died on Tuesday, it is alleged from inhaling the dust. He was fifty-four years old and leaves a widow and seven children. The company, it is said, has employed every available means to protect its employees, by providing them with the best respirators that can be obtained, but the workmen were careless and, finding respiration somewhat impeded when using them, removed them from their nostrils and so admitted the fatal dust.
January 8, 1995
The Baltimore Sun “Backtracks” Articles
© Historical Society of Carroll County – (410) 848-6494 – 210 East Main Street, Westminster MD 21157
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to their lungs. State’s Attorney Fink has been making strenuous efforts to apply a corrective in the matter, and had the company indicted for maintaining a public nuisance by permitting the dust to
escape from the mill and annoy and endanger persons employed near it. This was the extent of his authority and was effective in abating the conditions complained of. But the lives of the workmen have still been imperiled. State’s Attorney fink recently met representatives of the State Board of Health at the mills and the situation was carefully canvassed. The board, however, has taken no action, but the company has finally concluded, having done all in its power without avail to afford protection to its workmen, to shut down the mills indefinitely, and we are informed that operations have been
discontinued. American Sentinel, January 12, 1895.