July 12, 1998

25 Years Ago

Second Budget Cut By Commissioners Termed Illegal—The Carroll County School Board heard today that the County Commissioners may have made the second and most recent school board budget cut illegally. “County Commissioners made the $67,000 budget cut after the tax rate had been set and the county’s budget already adopted,” Dr. George Thomas Superintendent of schools explained to Board members and according to legal counsel for the Board such a move was illegal, Dr. Thomas said. After hearing a report from their lawyer, Board members agreed that the commissioners should be invited back to the bargaining table and the full $67,000 should be asked for by the school board. If the commissioners do not care to cooperate in the matter, the Board was advised by their lawyer, then the affair can be settled by litigation. The Carroll Record, July 12, 1973.

50 Years Ago

School Bond and Road Bond Issues-Three Elections Were Held, 1922, 1927, 1934; School Loan Lost by 234 In 1934—The $3,000,000 school and road bond issue that will be voted upon in the coming general election in November and may be the victims of three other bond issues that were voted upon May 15, 1922, September 26, 1927, and April 3, 1934. The one in May 15, 1922, was smothered under by 3787. This was connected with both school and road bond issues. In September 26, 1927, the vote was for a separate school bond which was defeated by 1203. The road bonds showing that the voters were some showing that the voters were somewhat favorable to roads but not enough to carry it. In April 3, 1934, the voters were again called upon to vote on the third loans and faired better. It was only defeated by 234, cutting down the other voters by a wide margin. Below we give you the dates and total votes of each election. May 15, 1922 – For School and Road Bonds, 986; Against School and Road Bonds, 4778. September 26, 1927 – For School Bonds, 1194; Against School Bonds, 2397. April 3, 1934 – For School Loan, 1963; Against School Loan, 2197. Democratic Advocate, July 9, 1948.

75 Years Ago

County Club Women Meet—A County Rally for all, including all home Demonstration Club members and friends as well as other women in the county, will be held in Smith Hall Western Maryland College on July 20. Each Homemakers’ Club should be represented by a large delegation. The meeting will start promptly at 10 a.m. and close at 4:45 p.m. The program has not been entirely arranged. The speakers we hope to have with us are Dr. Norman, who gave such a splendid talk at the State College on health, Miss Venia Kellar, State Home Demonstration Agent, and Mrs. John Garrett. Luncheon will be served, price depending upon the number. We hope to have at least a hundred with us for luncheon with the price about fifty cents. Will any women who wish to have a seat reserved for the luncheon please notify Mrs. Harvey Leister, I hope the women will make a special effort to be present. Democratic Advocate, July 6, 1923.

100 Years Ago

Uniontown District Items—Prof. Samuel Bowers caught a carrier pigeon on Saturday last. The band on its leg was 77-P.F.S.-96. The pigeon has been around Mrs. Bowers’ barn for several weeks and has mated with a common pigeon. When first caught the bird seemed very much frightened, but afterwards became tame and could be picked up by any one. The barley crop is not as big as last year. Democratic Advocate, July 9, 1898.