July 2, 1995

25 Years Ago

Education Budget Is Announced By County Officials – County Commissioners Approve $10,994,370 Figure — Budge Request Was $12,627,281 – The Carroll County Board of Education has
released figures regarding the education budget for the coming school year. The Board of County Commissioners earlier approved a budge of $10,994,370 for the school board, down $1,632,911 from the $12,627,281 budget request. In making their budget reduction of $1,632,911, the commissioners reduced the amount of anticipated state revenue by $574,451 and the amount of the local county appropriation from $7,621,066 to $6,562,606, a reduction of $1,058,460. The Board of Education will receive the $574,451 of state money cut by the County Commissioners from the budget. The state income is basically determined by the number of professional personnel employed in the school system. The School Board has projected using the $574,451 to restore budget cuts made by the County Commissioners. Community Reporter, July 3, 1970.

50 Years Ago

Prof. Richter Principal At W. H. S., Succeeds E. C. Seitz, Who Retires; Was Principal of Manchester H. S. For 16 Years – At the regular monthly meeting of the Carroll County Board of Education held on Tuesday in the office of Supt. Raymond Hyson, City Hall, the board recommended the transfer of Prof. Gerald C. Richter, principal of the Manchester High School, to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Prof. E. C. Seitz. Prof. Richter is one of the most outstanding principals in the Carroll County school system and comes highly recommended. He is a graduate of Western Maryland College in the class of ’26 and received his Master’s Degree from the University of Maryland in 1935. Upon his graduation from Western Maryland he accepted a principalship in southern Maryland where he stayed for 3 years. In 1939 he was appointed principal of Manchester high school, having served there sixteen
years and also was principal of the elementary grades since 1942. Mr. Richter has been President of the Carroll County Teachers Assoc., secretary of the Carroll P.T.A., and president of the Carroll County Western Maryland College Alumni Club. Prof. Richter is married to the former Miss Marjorie McWilliams, who was a French teacher in Westminster High School and they have one daughter. They reside on East Green street, this city. Democratic Advocate, June 29, 1945.

75 Years Ago

Jailed for Having Still – For the first time, so far as the records show, a prisoner has been sentenced by a United States Court to be confined in the Carroll County Jail. Benjamin F. Poole, a farmer and business man of this county was indicted in the District Court of the United States, at Baltimore, on account of the operation of a still for the manufacture of whisky on one of his farms, near Granite. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and to be confined in the county jail for 90 days. He began to serve the sentence Saturday morning. Union Bridge Pilot, July 2, 1920.

100 Years Ago

Fight With a Savage Bull – George P. Buckey, Jr., a nephew of the well-known banker, George P. Buckey, of Union Bridge, had an exciting and dangerous adventure with a savage bull in the
barnyard on his farm near that place on Wednesday of last week. He was arranging his cows for milking when the bull, which is a large and vicious animal, made a sudden attack upon him and attempted to gore him. In the struggle that ensued Mr. Buckey was knocked down and tossed about the barnyard, but managed to avoid being impaled by the horns of the infuriated brute. The battle lasted five to seven minutes, during which Mr. Buckey was tossed over a space of 300 yards, his clothing torn to shreds, his chest severely bruised and his head and face badly cut. Five times he struggled to his feet only to be knocked down each time by his fierce bovine assailant, until the last time, when he succeeded in giving the animal a vigorous kick in the nose, which caused a momentary cessation of the attack, during which Mr. Buckey ran for the fence and managed to reach it in advance of the bull, which was close upon him as he clambered over and made his escape. Members of Mr. Buckey’s family and others witnessed the combat, in momentary dread of a fatal result, but were powerless to assist him. They could not even supply him with a pitch fork, for which he called, all the forks about the place having been in use by the farm hands in a field at a distance from the scene. Mr. Buckey’s escape from death by the attack of the ferocious bull was almost miraculous. His coolness and presence of mind and the fact that the barnyard had just been thickly covered with fresh straw saved him from a fatal termination of the encounter. American Sentinel, June 29, 1895.