July 26, 1998
25 Years Ago
Study Recommends Ten More Troopers For County—Ten more State Policemen are needed in Carroll County, according to a study commissioned by the county, funded by the federal
government and made by the Superintendent of the Maryland State Police last fall. Citing a rising crime rate and overall county growth, the study intended to survey the opinions of people in the county and make recommendations for improvements. Local police forces were evaluated in the report. Though all of the municipal forces, with the exception of Westminster, were termed inadequate, the study felt they all work well with the State Police force in the county. Town officials frequently felt their local forces were beneficial as a deterrent to crime and most wanted a marked police car around even if their overall effectiveness was inadequate. The Carroll Record, July 26, 1973.
50 Years Ago
Public Schools Is A Local Responsibility – Federal Government Cannot Do A Better Job For Public Schools Than Local Communities Is The Belief—Washington, D. C., July—One might almost be expected to believe that education of the youth of the country is a National political issue in 1948. Government statistics show that in 1870 illiteracy in the United States was 20 percent. The average percent of illiteracy among native whites in the United States is less than two percent. To say that the support of local schools is not the responsibility of the communities in which children live is dodging the issue. It is just as much the duty of parents in small districts to send their children to school as it is to put clothes on their backs and food in their stomachs. The trouble that exists in nearly every part of the United States is the growing demand that the National Government must furnish the means and money to carry on all kinds of civic responsibilities, including paying the teachers and all the school expenses. The Federal Government cannot—and will not—do a better job for public schools than local
communities. Democratic Advocate, July 23, 1948.
75 Years Ago
Kidnaps Gypsy Baby—A band of gypsies, camped near Bird Hill, Monday morning got into a fight because a nephew and wife of the leader of the band wanted to leave and return to their home in Chicago. To prevent them from leaving the leader kidnapped their two year old baby and left. The man and his wife came to Sheriff Martin and stated their case, who went before Justice Hutchins. The Justice got in his car and run down the tribe at Taneytown, and had them arrested. The child was turned over to its parents and all left together but not before paying a fine. The tribe was known as the Lee Band with Ziko Abersavorwitch as chief. The tribe consisted of the chief, his two sons and two nephews, and women. The tribe did their best to escape, and were traveling fast, but not to speedy for Justice Hutchins. They had just passed through Union Mills and Littlestown just 15 minutes ahead of the Justice but were located at Washington School House. Democratic Advocate, July 27, 1923.
100 Years Ago
A Narrow Escape—Mr. William A. Abbott, of Hampstead, was driving to Westminster Monday morning, and Mr. Leonard Rill, of Houcksville, was just ahead of him in another buggy, going at fair rate of speed, when, from some unaccountable reason, the horse ahead dashed into a post fence alongside the road. Finding that he could not get through the fence the horse suddenly wheeled and ran towards Mr. Abbott’s horse. The horse acted as if mad. Mr. Rill was thrown out and the buggy was smashed to pieces. Mr. Abbott turned his buggy aside to render aid, when Mr. Rill’s horse bore down upon Mr. Abbott’s horse and buggy. It was a trying moment for him, as his own horse became frightened and began to jump. The loose horse dashed by, however, barely grazing him, but part of the trapping struck him, injuring the lower part of his right leg. When Mr. Rill’s buggy was demolished he was thrown a considerable distance, and for this reason was uninjured, except being shaken up to a great extent. Democratic Advocate, July 23, 1898.