July 28, 1996
25 Years Ago
Westminster May Lose Bus Service – Clyde’s Bus Service, Westminster’s only bus line, may soon discontinue service to the city, according to the line’s owner Clyde Didlake. Didlake said he met Wednesday with Western Maryland College president Lowell Ensor to discuss the possibility of using the college’s golf club house for a terminal for his busses. But during the meeting, any possibilities of using the facility were nixed. “His septic tank system couldn’t take care of it,” Didlake said. “He (Ensor) didn’t see any way we could ship or receive freight. “I think the best thing for me to do is close out up there.” Didlake emphasized that this decision to quit service to Westminster is not final. “I’ll give them notice,” he said. “We’ll be gradually panning out as we go.” But, he added, “unless they can show me something, I don’t see where I owe them anything.” Didlake was referring to his attempt last spring to convert the present Pennsylvania avenue terminal into a liquor store. Such a move, he said, would permit him to afford keeping it open all day long as a place for passengers to wait for busses. But based on testimony from college officials and a petition of citizens opposed to the liquor license, the county liquor board denied Didlake’s request. Shortly after the application for the license was denied, the bus terminal was closed. Democratic Advocate July 15, 1971.
50 Years Ago
Monument Dealers Condemning Statue of Liberty – Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., Westminster monument builder, today joined with other monument dealers throughout the country in condemning the present dilapidated and unkept condition of the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor as a “national disgrace.” Under the leadership of C. P. Reynolds of Toledo, Ohio, President of the Monument Builders of America, national association of retail monument dealers, the directors of that organization recently forwarded a resolution to Washington urging Congress to provide adequate funds for the immediate rehabilitation and proper future maintenance of the statue and its grounds. Having been informed of the shrine’s deplorable condition recently, Reynolds told the M.B.A. directors: “The Statue of Liberty and its environs on Bedloe’s Island, littered and defaced with refuse and lipstick drawings and knife-carvings,
is a tragic indictment of the American public and an indication of Washington’s apathy toward one of the world’s most famous shrines.” Commenting on the action taken by the M.B.A. officers Mathias said that thousands of persons visit the monument daily and walk upon the grassless terrace littered with partly eaten fruit, sandwiches and soda bottles. A guard, policing the 12-acre area on which the monument stands, told a New York newspaperman recently that some visitors are furious at the statue’s condition. Others are “astounded” by the desecration. The local monument dealer reports that the statue has a meager staff of only 19 persons who work for the National Park Service. The present annual appropriation, including cost of flood-lighting, is about $50,000. Democratic Advocate, July 26, 1946.
75 Years Ago
Our neighbor, E. M. Nusbaum, now has provided a new parking space on his front lawn. At least, we assume so, as last Saturday morning there was plain evidence that an automobile had crossed the curb which is about eight inches in height, crossed the pavement and while one side of the car used the concrete steps the other side ran up the terraced side of the lawn. This occurred during the night and consequently Mr. Nusbaum did not have the opportunity to interview anyone; there were no suggestions made as to improvements in the route leading to and from this new parking ground. Union Bridge Pilot, July 22, 1921.
100 Years Ago
A thrilling scene, witnessed by several hundred people, occurred at the railroad station in this city as the 4:28 train for Baltimore last Sunday afternoon was pulling out. Just as the train began to move a woman with two little children attempted to board it. She placed the smaller child on the step, and seeing that it was about to be carried away, managed with difficulty to draw herself up after it. The other little one, aged about three years, was close behind her, and in perilous contiguity to the carwheels. Naturally, it attempted to follow her, and every second increased the danger that it would fall on the track and be crushed to a jelly. A number of persons rushed toward it, Mr. George A. Bixler, of this city, reaching it first. He was pushed against the car by the crowd and whirled about, but kept on his feet and held on to the little one. After running a hundred yards, the train was stopped and the child restored to its mother. Mr. Bixler risked his life to save the little one and both were in great peril for a little time. American Sentinel, July 25, 1896.