June 25, 1995
25 Years Ago
Farm Visitation Day Scheduled June 28 – Farm Visitation Day, scheduled for Sunday, June 28th, is designed to bring rural and urban people together to promote mutual understanding. This event provides you with an opportunity to visit a farm and learn of the many things involved in producing livestock and crops. Farming today is quite different from what it was even several years ago according to Ronald L. Johnson, Executive Secretary of the Maryland Agricultural Commission. Today’s farm is a skillfully managed business with a tremendous investment in land, equipment, livestock, and crops. There are nine counties participating in the Farm Visitation Program with 24 farms being opened to the public. These are in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, St. Mary’s, and Washington Counties. Since many farm activities must continue daily, you will have a chance to view livestock feeding and milking operations on several of the farms. There will also be forestry and irrigation demonstrations scheduled at others. Community Reporter, June 26, 1970.
50 Years Ago
Sugar To Affect Coca-Cola Supply – W. C. Meredith, President Of Coca-Cola Co., Announces The Quality Will Be Maintained – The supply of Coca-Cola in Westminster definitely will be affected by the further curtailment in the supply of sugar after July 1st because the manufacturer of that popular drink will not compromise with the use of substitutes. However, an equitable system of rationing will be maintained in Westminster during the shortage, according to W. C. Meredith. President of the Westminster Coca-Cola Bottling Company. The O. P. A. announced that the allotment of sugar to industrial users would be cut to 50% of the sugar used in the third quarter of 1941, effective July 1st. “I am informed that this sugar shortage is world-wide and not merely national and is directly attributed to the confusion in the production and distribution of sugar occasioned by the war,” said Mr. Meredith. “Sugar is absolutely necessary in the manufacture of Coca-Cola. We cannot and will not use sweetening substitutes, and therefore when sugar is short, there must be a shortage in the amount of Coca-Cola,
but you can be certain that the quality of Coca-Cola will remain unchanged. Democratic Advocate, June 22, 1945.
75 Years Ago
2 Airplane for the 5th. – Captain Otto A. Swoboda, in charge of the U. S. Army Recruiting office, 117 W. Fayette St., Baltimore, has very kindly arranged to send two aeroplanes for our Fourth of July celebration during the day of July 5th. One will be a heavy Curtiss Machine from Aberdeen, piloted by that daring young aviator, Lieut. W. K. Phillips. The other will be a very speedy S. E. British fighting single seating plane from Bowling Field, piloted by Sergeant Myers, who has been flying three years, and has the reputation of being the best enlisted pilot in the service. The exhibition by these two aviators will be worth coming miles to see. A representative will be here this afternoon to select a landing field. Union Bridge Pilot, June 25, 1920.
100 Years Ago African Palaver – The Ladies’ Home and Foreign Missionary Society of Grace Lutheran Church, in connection with their regular monthly meeting, enjoyed a very pleasant and instructive “Palaver” at the parsonage, on Monday evening, June 17th. A great many laughable items were noted in connection with the habits and customs of life among the natives. Several of the ladies sang selections during the evening. The hostess, by her engaging and pleasant manner, made all feel at home on entering the door, and by her untiring efforts, during the evening, shed around her such sociability and good humor that it became contagious. In the midst of the good time and when all congratulated themselves on the privilege they enjoyed, there came a voice from the dining room: “Come over and help us,” and we went, every one of us, strong to do and to dare. The refreshments consisted of fruit, cake, and real African coffee from the mission at Muhlenberg. Two very polite natives waited on the company. Their zeal and attention showed the thoroughness of their training. We regret to say that several of the ladies of the society were not with us, but it was their loss. American Sentinel, June 22, 1895.