June 4, 1995
25 Years Ago
EDITORIAL – OUT INTO THE WORLD – This is the season of graduation from thousands of high schools and colleges throughout the country and a rather apprehensive public watches as the hundreds of thousands of young men and women descend upon the social fabric, already torn by unrest, uncertainty and confusion. Certainly the best wishes of all citizens go out to these young people as they seek to find their places in a world quite different from that in which their parents made their way. These youths have learned to accept the country’s present standard of living as quite the normal thing and they are naturally resentful at having to make their way hampered by a lack of employment and a shortage of the funds with which to continue the life their parents have up until now provided for them. But there is some real doubt that these present conditions of high wages and luxurious living can be maintained indefinitely. Youths must be prepared to accept curtailment of some customary enjoyments, such as their forebears have had to accept in past times of economic recession. Already
there is evidence that jobs are not so easy to obtain and employers are viewing high mandatory wage rates for beginners with some apprehension. Many changes are no doubt in the works before the economy stabilizes itself, and meanwhile young graduates are going to have to tighten their belts and find places where their aptitudes and abilities are in demand, regardless of their preconceived notions of what kind of a living the world owes them. Community Reporter, June 5, 1970.
50 Years Ago
Civilian Defense Office Close Here June 30 – Announcement was made this week that the Carroll County Civilian Defense Office in the Firemen’s building, would close on June 30. Since the
Maryland Council of Defense has issued a directive stating that Civilian Defense activities (Protective Division) would close on June 30, the local office is conforming to the same date. The office was established here three and a half years ago with Frank A. Myers as Director, W. Warfield Babylon, Deputy Director and Chief Air Raid Warden, and Miss Ann S. Reifsnider, secretary. In recognition of their service, the Maryland Council of Defense has awarded Certificates of Service to Mr. Myers, Mr. Babylon and Miss Reifsnider. Certificates were also awarded to Norman B. Boyle, Mrs. Gladys Wimert, John Magin, Ezra Harbaugh, Ray Hillinger, David H. Taylor, Edgar Weigle, Dr. Forrest Free and Dr. W. C. Jeannette, of Westminster. Earl L. Yingling, Charles V. Griefenstein and Harvey Reese, Manchester; Dr. Arthur G. Tracey and Denton O. Martin. Hampstead; G. H. Fogle and Honor D. Hartzler, Union Bridge; R.
F. Davison, N. P. Shoemaker and C. L. Stonesifer, Taneytown; Lindsay I. Browning, Mt. Airy; Fred C. Church, and C. W. Smith, Sykesville; Harry J. Myers, Pleasant Valley; Rev. J. H. Hoch, Uniontown; Mrs. Charles V. Bower, New Windsor, and R. W. Caltrider, Gamber. Democratic Advocate, June 1, 1945.
75 Years Ago
Many New Laws in Force Since Tuesday – Marylanders will have about 700 new laws to obey or violate beginning Tuesday. The people will have to step right up and walk the straight and
narrow — or wider — path set for them by the Legislature of 1920. The old roller towel will pass out of use. The man who spent years learning how to find the one clean spot felt will find no place to exercise his accomplishment. The blushing 16-year-old bride will have to set and patiently wait until she is 18 years old. Marriage licenses will cost $2 and the girl or the awkward groom-to-be will have to face the license clerk in person. The old-style applicant who often willfully or thoughtlessly lied about ages will no longer be called on to sin in that way. Poultry soaked in water cannot be sold hereafter. That was an old trick by which a slender chicken would hit the scales with an expensive bang. Children in theatrical companies with permits from other states will be allowed to perform here by showing permits and paying fees. “Oh say, can you see by the dawn’s early light”— and the rest of “The Star-Spangled Banner” must be sung in public schools. More compensation is allowed and payments start sooner for workmen and higher insurance is required by employers. Here are some of the other things that will
happen: A boxing commission and a racing commission will handle those two sports. Merit system, with some reservations, goes into effect in the state. Giving short weight now becomes a misdemeanor and all boxes and crates must have a defintely indicated capacity. The boxes “about a quart,” or “almost a bushel” are forbidden. Minimum age of operator of motor vehicle reduced from 18 to 16. Requiring persons who may have dropped glass on any roadway by accident to remove same. In all 22 distinct changes in the motor law that every motor driver can learn by applying to Commissioner of Motor Vehicles or can learn later on by facing commissioner on charges of violations. Ignorance is guilt and the fines are high. Many laws to put a stop to buying and selling stolen cars, making it easier to lock up the buyer than ever before. Union Bridge Pilot, June 4, 1920.
100 Years Ago
An anonymous correspondent sends us a snake story from Deep Run, in Myers’ district, which we have taken some pains to verify and learn that it is substantially correct. The story is that Mr. Jacob H. Babylon, who was engaged in sawing timber at Earhart’s sawmill, while he was returning from the head of the race, where he had gone to turn the water on, encountered an enormous black snake. The reptile was crossing the race on a log and making directly for Mr. Babylon who accepted the challenge, and having been armed with a shovel, speedily dispatched the assailant. The snake measured 9 feet 7 1/2 inches in length and was as thick as a man’s arm. American Sentinel, June 1, 1895.