March 29, 1998
25 Years Ago
Bill Would Allow Assessment On Developers—Declaring that Carroll County is in a unique position to assure that future development be planned in an orderly and equitable manner, Delegate Raymond E. Beck (R. Carroll Co.) and Delegate Richard C. Matthews (R. Carroll Co.) have introduced a bill in the General Assembly in Annapolis to enable the Carroll County Commissioners to levy special assessments on developers of subdivisions to cover additional costs of services. “It is development which causes increased demand for facilities,” pointed out Delegate Beck, “so the buyer moving into a development should pay for these facilities.” “Assessment costs to the developer will be passed on to the people who should bear these costs,” explained Delegate Matthews. The Carroll Record, March 29, 1973.
50 Years Ago
Easter Hunt Plans Completed—Plans for the Easter egg hunt sponsored by the Venture Club of Westminster for the children of this community are nearing completion. All the children of
Westminster are invited to participate. Following the band concert by the Westminster Band at the Municipal Playground at 2 p.m. Easter Sunday afternoon, the hunt will be conducted. Invocation will be given by Father William T. McCrory, Assistant Pastor of St. John’s Catholic Church. City Councilman J. Albert Mitten will be Master of Ceremonies. Members of the Venture Club will act as chaperons and they will be assisted by Boy Scouts from two of the local troops. Democratic Advocate,March 26, 1948.
75 Years Ago
Raid Frustrated—About 25 men, all from Baltimore, it is reported, attempted to raid McGinnis Distillery late Friday night. Guard Charles Thomson, who was on duty, was the target for the
raiders. They opened fire on Mr. Thomson, who returned it, and made it so hot for the gang that they retreated over the hills for safety. In the morning 25 5-gallon containers were found along the warehouse which was to be used to put the whiskey in. The iron shutter was opened but they failed to gain entrance. Two men, Saturday morning, it is said, full of blood and mud, took the 6:30 a.m. train at Cranberry for Baltimore. It is evident that some of the gang received some of the buckshot in their hide, but none were seriously injured. This is the second attempt within two weeks to rob the warehouse which contains 4000 barrels of the precious fluid. The truck to haul the whiskey away was left at Cranberry about 2 miles from the distillery. Democratic Advocate, March 30, 1923.
100 Years Ago
The Bicycle Club recently organized in this city, met in its new club room, in the Wantz building, for the first time on last Monday night. The club now has 50 members and is in a flourishing
condition. A business meeting will be held at the club room on Monday night, April 4th, and we are requested to say that all the members should be present. Captain Long has called a blind run for next Sunday, to start from the club room at 1 o’clock, P.M. American Sentinel, March 26, 1898.