May 19, 1996
25 Years Ago
Byron Announces EPA Grant For Hampstead – Goodloe Byron announced award of a $72,150 grant to the Carroll County Sanitary Commission of Westminster. The money, which comes
from the Environmental Protection Agency, represents an increase of 10% over two previously awarded grants for this project. The project is for construction of an interceptor sewer, pump station, force main, and secondary sewage treatment plant. It will be located in Hampstead and is estimated to cost $1,481,000. Rep. Goodloe E. Byron will be the guest speaker at the Carroll County Board of Education’s Cooperative Work-Study Dinner, on May 24 at 7 p.m. at the Black & Decker Plant in Hampstead. The banquet honors employers who have actively participated in the student work-study program. The Sixth District Congressman will discuss the evolution of the cooperative work-study concept and its impact on young people and the communities in which they reside. “This kind of program strives to produce more high school graduates who will become productive working members of our society,” said Byron. “and I
think it benefits not only the students, but the local economy and businesses as well.” Community Reporter, May 20, 1971.
50 Years Ago
WESTMINSTER WINS SPECIAL CITATION IN NATIONAL CONTEST – The city of Westminster was given a Special Citation by the Board of Judges of the 1945 National Pedestrian Protection Contest, sponsored by the American Automobile Association, according to word received by the Westminster Office of The Automobile club of Maryland. This Special Citation was made in view of the “better than average safety records” for pedestrians for cities of this population group. This excellent record in the national contest reflects the interest always manifested by the Westminster Mayor and City council in the safety of the citizens. It is hoped that this excellent record and pedestrian program will be continued through 1946. The awards in the contest were made by a nationally known Board of Judges. Democratic Advocate, May 17, 1946.
75 Years Ago
Tannery Items – The W. M. R. tracks were damaged for several miles last Friday evening in the vicinity of Tannery, following an unusually heavy rainfall. The westbound train due here at 8:15 in the evening was marooned for several days and unable to go either way until Sunday. Hundreds of tons of gravel and cinders were required to repair the damage wrought and it was not until Sunday evening the trains began to run on schedule. During this time our mails were irregular and passenger traffic greatly impaired. Very little rain fell here but from New Windsor east there was a heavy rainfall. At the power house of Cranberry station the water got to the underground cables beneath the building so that Westminster was without current for light and power purposes Friday night and Saturday. Union Bridge Pilot, May 20, 1921.
100 Years Ago
Ernest Zile, mail-carrier between this city [Westminster] and Denning’s, had quite an exciting experience with a snake on Friday last. While driving along the road he saw a large snake coiled up on a stone. He drove past, stopped his horse, got out and procured a club with the intention of killing the snake. When he got within a few feet of the reptile it suddenly darted at him, but, fortunately, he struck it across the back, killing it. It proved to be a black snake measuring 5 feet 6 inches in length. Mr. Zile brought the snake to this city tied to the axle of his roadcart, and it was seen by many persons and regarded as an object of considerable interest. A few days previously Mr. Zile killed a very large copperhead snake on the Nicodemus road. American Sentinel, May 16, 1896.