May 5, 1996
25 Years Ago
Morgan Chapel Celebrates Its 100th Birthday – Centennial Service Held Sunday — Dr. Kenneth Lyons, District Supt., Delivers Sermon – Members of Mt. Olive and Watersville United Methodist churches were invited to attend a joint service at Morgan Chapel, Sunday, May 2, to share in the celebration of Morgan Chapel’s centennial. The group enjoyed a coffee-fellowship hour, followed by the worship service at 11 a.m., with Rev. James Hunt, charge minister, presiding. The sermon was given by Dr. Kenneth Lyons, district Superintendent. Several ladies, including choir members, wore dresses that were fashionable 100 years ago. On display in the basement of the Chapel were a number of pictures of activities of the church taken years ago, the oldest one being a picture of the Ladies’ Aid Society in 1910. All present thoroughly enjoyed viewing these pictures and reminiscing during the second fellowship hour which preceded a covered dish dinner served at 2:30 p.m. Approximately 140 persons attended this dinner. Community Reporter, May 7, 1971.
50 Years Ago
NEW CANNED FOODS DUE DURING 1946 — Citizens of Carroll County Can Anticipate Dramatic Developments In Food Production This Year – Citizens of Carroll county can anticipate dramatic developments in canned foods during 1946, many of these products having first been packaged for the armed forces, according to W. C. Stolk, vice-president of the American Can Company. Mr. Stolk said that the approximately 3,163,000 cans of food opened annually by residents of the county undoubtedly will be largely increased with the arrival of the new canned items. It will be no trick at all, he said for a housekeeper to put together a three or four course meal by making use of the canned foods she should shortly find on grocery shelves. Among the new foods he listed are such items as canned hamburgers, canned bacon and salads in cans, as well as a long list of meats new to can, among them chicken stew with dumplings, beef and gravy, pork with apple sauce, ham with raisin sauce and boned turkey. Democratic Advocate, May 3, 1946.
75 Years Ago
PHRENOLOGY CALLED A FAKE — Neither “Bumps” Nor features, It is Now Asserted, Can Indicate Character of Man. – There has recently been a marked revival of the “phrenology” humbug, and charlatans are coining money by examining people’s “bumps” and drawing therefrom analytical conclusions in regard to their talents and traits of character, remarks a writer in the Philadelphia Ledger. The cleverest fakers in this line specialize in the alleged study of physiognomy as indicative of psychic traits, etc. This sort of thing “goes” wonderfully well, inasmuch as the average person is much interest in his own face and in what it may be supposed to express. Physical anthropologists, however, are firm in asserting that there is nothing whatever in the idea. There is no essential relation between the features of a human individual and his character—beyond, of course, the fact that disposition and temperament
may and commonly do so modify the muscular structure, especially about the mouth, as to render the expression indicative. Thus, for example, a sour temper or a crafty habit of mind will show itself in a person’s face more and more as he grows older. A prominent chin does not necessary signify firmness of character; nor when exaggerated, does it mean brutality. Story writers nowadays teach us that eyes set “too close together” indicate slyness and meanness. There is no more truth in that idea than in the notion that a big nose suggests generosity. Union Bridge Pilot, May 6, 1921.
100 Years Ago Tannery Items –
A correspondent at Tannery writes that, “while all along the line” nothing is heard of but hard times, this little burg has raised its head above the water, and has made some substantial and important improvements. The Tannery here has erected a new office with the latest conveniences and furnishings. It is provided with hot and cold water, with marble wash stand and bowl,
which were furnished by your worthy mayor, Mr. Schaeffer, and also has a fine radiator for heating, which was put in by Messrs. Gilbert & Gehr, of Westminster,. It is, in fact, in every respect, a number one office. The former offices occupied by the Tannery firm have been converted into a store, which has been rented to outside parties, who will conduct a general merchandise business, suitable to the wants of the neighborhood, and which will be a great convenience to the community.” American Sentinel, May 2, 1896.