October 15, 1995
25 Years Ago
Driver Education Program Expected To Attract 1,100 – Nineteen Instructors To Teach Classroom And “Behind-The-Wheel” Phases Of Program – Approximately 1,100 Carroll County high
school students are expected to enroll in the driver education program in the 1970-71 school year, according to Leo F. Kuhn, Supervisor of Driver Education. Nineteen instructors will be employed to teach the classroom and the “behind-the-wheel” phases of the program. Students in all high schools will take the classroom phase on a one-semester basis and receive the “behind-the-wheel” training after school hours. South Carroll High School will utilize a multi-car driving range as part of their driver education program. This range was made possible through a grant from the Federal Government as part of a State Department of Education project to improve the driver education program Statewide and to reduce the per-pupil cost. Once again, automobile dealers in Carroll County are providing vehicles for student use. Eighteen vehicles will be acquired from the following dealers: Crouse Ford, Wantz Chevrolet, Wheeler Chevrolet, Westminster Motor Company, Neel Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Jones Motor Company, Barnes Motor Company and Bohn Pontiac. The $25.00 per-pupil fee will not be increased for the 1970-71 school year. Parents are reminded that the fee is necessary to defray part of the cost of the “behind-the-wheel” phase of the program and that no student charge is made for the in-school classroom program.Community Reporter, October 16, 1970.
50 Years Ago
Dead Man Wants A Pension – The old saying that dead men tell no tales was dramatically discounted in San Francisco the other day when a supposedly deceased citizen came into court to apply
for an old-age pension. His name was Edward Reineger. He told the judge he is 66 years old and needs to help. The judge told him that he has been dead for more than 20 years—legally, at least. It seems that the man was married back in 1908 and that he went away from his wife and four children in 1915. When all efforts to find out what ever became of Mr. Reineger failed, his wife finally had the missing man declared legally extinct. If he can prove, legally, that he’s alive, he may be able to get his pension. Democratic Advocate, October 12, 1945.
75 Years Ago
A bad accident occurred Wednesday evening when the car of Harry Gernand was struck by another car going in the opposite direction, in which his car was completely demolished and the
occupants more or less injured. The accident occurred near Hagerstown, as Mr. Gernand was coming home when his car was struck at the front wheel by the passing car, which caused the Gernand car to swerve and upset, completely turning over, landing on its wheels. In the mix-up, it was also struck by a car which was following. The occupants were Harry Gernand and sister Ruth, James Sinnott, and Mervin Koons and wife. Mr. Sinnott appeared to be hurt the worst and was removed to the Hagerstown hospital where he will remain several days; Gernand and Koons suffered numerous cuts about the head while the ladies escaped practically unhurt. Union Bridge Pilot, October 15, 1920.
100 Years Ago
The Hog-Pen Question – The Mayor and Common Council of this city had under consideration, at their regular monthly meeting last Monday evening, a proposition to prohibit the
keeping of hogs within the city limits. The matter was brought to the attention of the mayor and council by Dr. J. Howell Billingslea and a committee of citizens who went before them to urge immediate action in the interest of the public health. Dr. Billingslea is the health officer for Carroll county and has been giving the subject careful attention and inquiry and is convinced that the hog pens, even when kept as clean as possible, are disease breeders and a constant menace to the health of the people in towns of any considerable size, a fact about which there can hardly be a dispute. Dr. Billingslea made a forcible statement of the case to the board and cited instances where the health of citizens has suffered severely from this cause. His remarks impressed the members of the board very deeply with the importance of the question and a special meeting was called for next Monday night, when it will be further considered and the board will probably take action fixing a time after which it will be unlawful to keep hogs within the city limits. January 1st, 1896, is spoken of as the period at which the prohibition will likely go into effect. While such a measure will work hardship, probably in many cases, it seems to be necessary to the preservation of the health of the community. That, at least, is the firm conviction of the health officer,
after long and careful observation.American Sentinel, October 12, 1895.