October 6, 1996

25 Years Ago

Fewer People Moving Here – People are still moving into Carroll county, but not as fast as they used to, according to figures released this week by the county health department. These statistics show that the rate of migration into the county dropped more than 30 per cent between 1960 and 1969 – from 20.0 to 13.4 per 1,000 of population. In addition to the rate drop, which would occur naturally as the total population grows, the actual number of persons moving into the county annually has also dropped – by an estimated 100 per year in the same 10-year period. Dr. James P. Earp, a sociology professor at Western Maryland College and chairman of the county’s Economic Development Commission, blamed the trend on a lack of jobs and a shortage of housing. Democratic Advocate , October 7, 1971.

50 Years Ago

NEAR RECORD MILK SUPPLY Carroll County Residents Consume More Than 9,775,000 Quarts Of The Products This Year – Carroll county residents will consume more than 9,775,000 quarts of milk and milk products this year in maintaining the county’s high nutritional standards, it was predicted by the nation’s leading distributor of dairy products. “With a near record supply of milk coming from the nation’s dairy farms, consumption of dairy products this year will nearly equal that of 1945 when more than 60,000,000,000 quarts were consumed,” said G. W. Diehl, head of A. & P. Food Stores’ national dairy department. “A 22 per cent increase in per capita consumption of milk during the war years helped overcome the loss of nutrition caused by curtailed supplies of fats and oils and helped bring about the nation’s high nutritional wartime levels.” Democratic Advocate, October 4, 1946.

75 Years Ago

What is supposed to have been an attempted hold-up occurred on the WestminsterBaltimore State road about one-half mile west of Reisterstown Tuesday night when K. Waskins and family were returning from the city. Shortly before 8 o’clock when Mr. Waskins was nearing this point, which is rather a lonely place, he noticed a man spring to the middle of the road just ahead and hold up his hands. His first impulse was to stop, but upon second thought he continued but at a reduced speed, passing the man who was clad in a khaki uniform and who shouted to Mr. Waskins to send the State police to this point. Proceeding a short distance farther, three more men similarly attired emerged from a lane which led to the State road. By this time Mr. Waskins was going at a fair rate of speed and was not accosted by them. Union Bridge Pilot, October 7, 1921.

100 Years Ago

GREAT STORM IN CARROLL – SCHOOL HOUSES, CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, BARNS AND OUTBUILDINGS WRECKED AND DAMAGED – ALL PROPERTY MORE OR LESS INJURED.-HORSES AND CATTLE KILLED – LOSS WILL REACH A LARGE SUM – Carroll county has experienced three very severe storms in the last few years, the first one occurring in February, 1893 when houses were unroofed in this city and the steeple of the Reformed Church was blown down. The first two storms were cyclonic in their nature, and the track of destruction was narrow. The storm of Tuesday night, however, was general and the violence of the wind was terrific. Havoc was wrought everywhere, and nearly every piece of property in the county was more or less damaged. In this city and in other towns, where buildings were protected by each other, no one’s loss was very considerable, but almost every house was injured to some extent. Barns and houses were unroofed all over the county. Outhouses were wrecked and the material scattered. Fences were carried away and cornshocks were scattered, and occasionally carried to neighboring property. Carriages and machinery were damaged by falling sheds. Horses and cows were killed by falling barns and stables. Great damage was done to timber, and magnificent shade trees were uprooted or shorn of their branches, while many orchards were nearly wiped out of existence. The damage done will foot up many thousands of dollars, perhaps run into the hundred of thousands, and it will require a score of years to replace the beautiful shade trees that decorated the homes of many, sheltering the family from the warm rays of the sun in the summer and protecting the homes against the high winds of the winter. A considerable number of persons had storm insurance policies, and all these were wise. Many more are now obtaining storm policies, the insurance agents all being busy issuing them. Democratic Advocate, October 3, 1896.