September 10, 1995
25 Years Ago
Adult Education Program Includes Discussion Group – An adult discussion group will be an innovation this year in the Board of Education’s adult education program for the first semester. This
group will discuss all facets of controversial issues with special emphasis on issues in Carroll County. The first session will take place on Thursday, September 24, and there after will continue on successive Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. for fifteen weeks. Present plans call for the September 24 discussion period to be devoted to an analysis of Carroll County’s September 15 primary election. Subsequent evenings will be devoted to understanding the referenda on the Maryland general election ballot, the structure of county government, the Carroll-Frederick election district, and the relationship of the Maryland legislature to the county. Topic selection, however, will be flexible and all topics will be announced at least one week in advance. There is not educational requirement for membership in the discussion group; those with little formal schooling as well as those with advanced education are invited to participate. Diversified backgrounds would be desirable in a group of this type and would be expected to result in more stimulating exchanges. The discussion group will be led by Miss Ellen Arnold, who is actively engaged in and fully conversant with local political intricacies. Miss Arnold is a graduate of Western Maryland with a degree in Political Science. She is also a member of Pi Gamma Mu, the national social science honor society. Community Reporter, September 11, 1970.
50 Years Ago
TYDINGS TELLS OF ATOMIC BOMB – He Is Informed It Will Be Possible To Fire The Bomb Across The Atlantic – Senator Tydings Saturday told delegates to the twenty-seventh annual reunion of the 29th Division Association that eminent scientists have informed him it is possible to put an atomic bomb in a projectile and fire it across the Atlantic. Speaking at the first session of the convention in the Lord Baltimore Hotel, Senator Tydings, who was a colonel in the 29th Division overseas during World War I, said it is compulsory for veterans of World Wars I and II and all People of the nation “to stimulate their imaginations because we are playing with things that God hitherto kept to Himself.” He asserted five or six other nations will be producing atomic bombs at the end of a year or two. This, he said, creates a challenge to the United States, now at the peak of its leadership, to find ways and means of creating friendships between nations and to prevent “a push-button war that will be over before most people will know it began.” The United States while “it must lead nations into a family where friendship will be the key-note,” must be prepared for another possible war and “must not be unprepared as it was from 1920 to 1940.” He insisted that ‘we must keep our eye on our defense,’ but our motto should be honor, good will and friendship.” Democratic Advocate, September 7, 1945.
75 Years Ago
Taneytown Memorial Unveiled – The memorial to the citizens of Taneytown District who served their country in the World War was unveiled Monday. The exercises began at 1:30 o’clock, with a
procession from the square in Taneytown to the site of the memorial at the junction of Baltimore street and the Uniontown road. The exercises at the memorial consisted of opening remarks by Rev. L. B. Hafer, who presided; music by the band; singing of “America”; prayer; address by William F. Williams, Jr., of Baltimore, who delivered the address at the unveiling of the Key monument, Keysville; unveiling of the memorial by two young ladies; roll call in charge of Rev. H. A. Quinn; singing of “Star Spangled Banner”; benediction. The memorial consisted of a splendid granite monument with a tablet of solid bronze 42×26 inches, containing the names of those who entered the service from that district. The names of the four who made the supreme sacrifice appeared in larger type at the bottom of the tablet. Union Bridge Pilot, September 10, 1920.
100 Years Ago
As the accommodation train from Baltimore, due here at 6:30 P.M., on Saturday evening last, approached the crossing at Main street, William Carr walked to the middle of the roadbed and
would have been killed but for the bravery of Edgar Miller, a son of Rev. P. H. Miller, and Walter Zepp, an employee of the SENTINEL office, who forced him from the track at the risk of their own lives. Young Zepp first attempted it alone, but was unable to move the man, who resisted. Mr. Miller then went to his assistance, with the result stated. The engine was close upon them before the man was moved from the track. The engine had been reversed, but the momentum of the train was too great to be overcome entirely. Carr is about forty-five years old, and has a family. He lives near Warfieldsburg. American Sentinel, September 14, 1895.