November 3, 1996

25 Years Ago

Students Aim Drive At Smoking – County high school students will begin a drive to educate other students about the hazards of cigarette smoking as a result of a meeting between members of the Carroll County Committee on Student Councils and the county School Board. Students were asked to attend a meeting with the Board to discuss the smoking issue because Board members said that they did not feel the students had been given an opportunity to voice their opinion when the decision was made to go back to a previous smoking policy. This policy allows teachers to smoke in designated areas in the school, usually teachers’ lounges, but forbids students smoking on school grounds. Democratic Advocate, November 1,1971.

50 Years Ago

THE OPA OFFICE CLOSES HERE TODAY – After November 1st, 1946, in the interest of economy, the Price Control Board for Carroll County has been consolidated with the Price Board of
Frederick County with its offices in the Patrick Court Building, Frederick, Maryland. For the convenience of Carroll County residents, a representative of the Office of Price Administration will be left in the county and will have an office at the same location of the present Board at Liberty and Green streets. The office hours will be from Monday through Friday and may be reached during those hours by phone number 745. Democratic Advocate, November 1, 1946.

75 Years Ago

BIG PETITION ON DISARMAMENT – During the past few weeks Mrs. Edward C. Bixler, of New Windsor, has been busily engaged in securing signers to a petition in favor of Disarmament. It has been circulated under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. of that place. The petition has been mailed to Hon. Chas. E. Hughes, Chairman of the American Delegation to the International Disarmament Conference to be held in Washington, November the eighth. The petition carries the names of five hundred and ninety persons from all walks and professions of life living in the vicinity of New Windsor. Democratic Advocate, November 4, 1921.

100 Years Ago

SHOOTING AFFAIR IN TANEYTOWN DISTRICT. – Two youths Resist Arrest and One is Shot in the Knee – William L. Eldrish, of Philadelphia, and George Holmes, of Chicago, were lodged in Jail here on Thursday afternoon about 5 o’clock, by Constable Miller, of Taneytown district. Eldrish is about 18 years old and Holmes about 17. They profess to have been cattlemen on cattle ships, but were traveling through the country trading horses. They traveled with a horse and wagon, and stopped on Thursday at a man’s house in Pennsylvania and asked for something to eat. The man refused, so they say, called them bums and was about to attack Holmes. Eldrish pulled out his revolver, and the man retreated to
his house. Eldrish and Holmes then left and drive into this state, into Taneytown district. The Pennsylvanian followed them and got Constable Miller to arrest them. Miller got Charles Harner to assist him, and they went in pursuit of Eldrish and Holmes. Coming up with them Miller drew his revolver and ordered the youths to hold up their hands. Instead Eldrish drew his revolver, when Miller fired, the ball taking effect in Eldrish’s knee. The horse the youths were driving started to run, and after going some distance the young men jumped out and took to the woods. Miller and Harner followed and soon came up with them, when another exchange of shots took place, one ball grazing Harner’s hand. The young men were then arrested and brought to Jail. Eldridge’s [Eldrish] wound is a very severe one, and the ball is still in his knee. Democratic Advocate, November 7, 1896.