“The Carroll County Trotting, Riding and Pleasure Association”

Carroll County Times Article for 27 October 1996

By Jay A. Graybeal

During the fall of 1894, Carroll Countians witnessed the opening of the Pleasure Park in Westminster, the new race track of the Carroll County Trotting, Riding and Pleasure Association. Originally scheduled to open on September 19th, the event was delayed by rain until October 3rd. The local newspapers advertised the upcoming event:

“GRAND TOURNAMENT, for the Championship of the State. PURSE $30-4 moneys, 50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent. Entries 5 per cent of purse, winners to pay 5 per cent additional. Entrance money to accompany entries. Entries close October 1st, 8 P.M. A gold medal, suitably inscribed, will be awarded the knight taking first money. B. F. Crouse, Esq., will deliver the charge to the Knights, and D. N. Henning, Esq., the coronation address. 


FIRST RACE.-Free for all Carroll county horses, trotters or pacers, that have been owned six months in the county, the fact to be verified by affidavit of owner. Mile heats, 3 best in 5. PURSE $75.

SECOND RACE.-running race, half mile heats, best 2 in 3, catch weights. PURSE $100, divided into two moneys, 75 and 25 per cent.

THIRD RACE.-Trotting, 2.40 class, mile heats, 3 best in 5. PURSE $100.

FOURTH RACE. –Trotting, 3 year old Carroll county horses, must have been owned 6 months in the county, the fact to be verified by affidavit of owner; mile heats, 2 best in 3. PURSE $50.

Chief Marshal, Jos. W. Berret.

Assistants-Chas. E. Hering, J. W. Shunk, Chas. T. Reifsnider, Jr., Robert Gist and J. Wesley Biggs.

Rules of National Trotting Association and Board of Control to govern all races.

All purses in trotting races will be divided into four moneys, 50, 25, 15 and 10 percent. Entrance fee, 5 per cent of purse. Winner to pay 5 per cent additional. Five or more to enter and 3 to start. A horse distancing the field or any part thereof will receive but one premium. All entries must be accompanied by entrance fee. Entries close October 1, 8 p.m.

Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Secretary for booth privileges.

Admission, 25 cents; Vehicles, 15 cents extra; Grand Stand, 15 cents.

For further information, address the Secretary, Westminster, Md.

S. CARR WICKERT, Secretary “A second newspaper column described the event:


“Opening of Pleasure Park
The formal opening of Pleasure Park, the new race track and grounds of the Carroll County Trotting, Riding and Pleasure Association, on the farm of Mr. Robert L. Hoppe, a mile north of this city, which occurred on Wednesday last, may be said to have been a decided success. The skies were propitious, the day was summerlike in its warmth, and a large attendance manifested the interest of the people in the event. Very probably more persons would have been present on September 19th, the day originally set for the opening, if the heavy rain storm which then prevailed had not rendered its postponement necessary. But, all things considered, the officers and members of the association have reason to congratulate themselves on the successful inauguration of their park. They have displayed great energy in its preparation and have more than merited the measure of success which has attended their efforts, the president Mayor Brooks, and the secretary, Ex-Sheriff Wickert, being entitled to special mention in this respect. The track is admirably located for speeding purposes and had been put in excellent order for the tournament and races arranged for its formal opening. Not less than fifteen hundred persons witnessed them. Some estimates place the number at two thousand and even more. We have only space for a brief report of the several events of the day, the first of the several events of the day, the first of which was the tournament, which occupied the time between 10 and 12 o’clock, A. M.

The knights who entered the lists were as follows: Linwood, Lynn Wood; Freedom, George P. Beasman; Woodbine, Harry Davis; Forest View, C. Lyon Rogers, Jr.; Rose Lawn, Grant Beasman; Westminster, Jesse F. Stem; Waterloo, C.C. Crawford; Glemis, Kennedy G. Rogers. The successful knights in the order named were: Forest View, Rose Lawn, Freedom and Woodbine. Miss Bettie Reifsnider, of Westminster, was crowned queen of love and beauty; Miss Melissa Beasman, of Westminster, first maid of honor; Miss Louise Lynch, of Westminster, second maid of honor, and Miss Estelle Dudderar, of Taylorsville, third maid of honor. The judges were Messrs. Elias B. Arnold, Philip H. Babylon, David Cowan, Jr. The address to the knights was delivered by Guy W. Steele, and the coronation address by D. N. Henning, both of Westminster.

Three trotting races, and one running race were the events of the afternoon, the running race attracting the most attention, in consequence of entries from the Walden and Littlesfield Stock Farms at Middleburg. The Judges were: David Cowan, Jr., Dr. A. M. Slade, Philip H. Babylon and Elias B. Arnold; marshals, F. A. Crawford, J. Wesley Biggs, Robert L. Gist, Chas. E. Hering; clerk of the track, Orlando Reese.

Following are summaries of the race:
First Race-Free for all county horses purse $75.
Belle, blk, m., Charles N. Mitten, Westminster ………………………………………… 1 1
Patrician, b.s., Clober Hill Stock Farm 2 dis.
Time, 2.46, 2.46.
Second Race-Three minute class; purse $50.
Jay Bird, b.m., E. L. Crawford, Sandyville ………………………………………………. 1 1
Topsy Gold Dust, blk. m., A. G. Kaufman, Dennings …………………………….. 2 2
Spinner, b. g., P. J. Bennett, Westminster ……………………………………………… 3 3
Fannie, b. m., E. Coppersmith, Fenby 4 dis.
Lilly D., blk. m., H. Owings, Warfieldsburg …………………………………………… dis.
Marshal Ney, J. H. Heagy, Westminster ……………………………………………….. dis.
Time, 2.54, 2.65.
Third Race-2.40 class; purse $100


Fannie Gold Dust, ch. f., James M. Smith, Woodsboro …………………………. 1 1 1
Billy, g. g., Joseph Franklin, Westminster ……………………………………………… 2 2 2
Master King, b. s., J. C. Gittings, Clober Hill Stock Farm ……………………….. dis.
Little Maggie, b.m., Jacob Thompson, Westminster ……………………………… dis.
Time, 2.44, 2.40 1/2, 2.44
Fourth Race-Running; purse $100
Fearless, b. f., R. J. Walden, Bowlingbrook Stock Farm………………………….. 1 1
Lord McNair, ch. c., F. Littlefield, Brookfield Stock Farm……………………….. 2 2
Pearl Top, s. s., Charles Hesson, Westminster………………………………………. 3 3
Time, .51, .52.
Tournaments continued for only a short time after this event. Within a decade the automobile made its appearance and horse and buggy days were numbered.
Photo caption: Joseph D. Brooks served as President of the Carroll County Trotting, Riding and Pleasure Association in 1894. Historical Society of Carroll County collection, gift of Mrs. Roy Kindig.