January 11, 1998
25 Years Ago
County Receives Federal Grants Totaling $147,385—Federal funds amounting to over $147,000 have been approved for restoration of the grist mill in Union Mills and for purchase of 65 acres of parkland around Piney Run reservoir, it was announced this week. Maryland Senators, J. Glenn Beall, and Charles McC. Mathias, have advised that the Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved two requests, submitted last summer by Carroll County, for federal matching grants for the historic and recreation projects. A grant of $100,000 to be matched by an equal amount of state and local funds, is earmarked for restoration of the 18th Century grist mill at the Homestead in Union Mills. The mill, dating back to 1797 and subsequently used as a post office, school, tavern and magistrates office, still contains equipment and furnishings associated with the early days in Maryland. The Carroll Record, January 11, 1973.
50 Years Ago
Germ War Is Greater Threat Than Atom, Says Scientist – An Atomic Bombing Might Kill and Maim A Portion of 150,000 and Destroy City; Typhoid and Dysentery Killed More Than Died On The Battlefield—Bacteriological warfare is an even greater threat than atomic warfare to the security of the future, says Dr. Frank Holtman, head of the University of Tennessee bacteriology department. Dr. Holtman announced recently: “While an atomic bombing might kill and maim a goodly portion of the population in a city of 150,000 as well as destroy the major portion of the city itself, bacteriological warfare might very easily wipe out the entire population within a week.” Such warfare would leave buildings intact, making that “one primary reason” the enemy would use it as a weapon, he added. Then, industries, buildings, military installations, and supplies would be almost immediately available for enemy use. Democratic Advocate,January 9, 1948.
75 Years Ago
The Carroll County Banquet—The Carroll County Society of Baltimore City will hold its fourth annual banquet on Friday evening January 19th, at the Emerson Hotel at 7 o’clock. Hon. Albert Johnson Congressman from the State of Washington, a newspaper man, a soldier of the late War and Chairman of the Committee on Immigration will speak on Immigration, which is a subject that every American is interested in at this time when there are millions on the other side that wish to enter our country. Mr. Johnson’s reputation as a speaker is very well known. Every one who has been a resident of Carroll county or is now a resident will be interested in the settlement and erecting of Carroll county which subject will be discussed by Joseph D. Brooks, Esq., of Westminster. Lafayette Temple, of Baltimore who is celebrated as a humorist, will keep the assemblage is good humor. The famous Westminster quartet which is well known to all of Carroll, with John Bohl’s Orchestra, will complete a program that all will feel to be one of the best that the society has every had. Democratic Advocate, January 12, 1923.
100 Years Ago
SEEKING AN HEIRESS-A Small Fortune to a Former Resident of Westminster—The Mrs. Lindsay spoken of in the following article was once a resident of Westminster. Her husband was a member of the firm of Miller & Lindsay, dry goods merchants, who occupied the store building now tenanted by Stephan Brothers: Nineteen thousand dollars and a diamond necklace has been left by a deceased relative to Mrs. Agnes L. Lindsay, nee Whitehead, of Norfolk, Va. When last heard from was January 11, 1998 residing at the Swann Mansion, Franklin street, near Cathedral, Baltimore. American Sentinel, January
15, 1898.
The Baltimore Sun “Backtracks” Articles
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